Search Results for author: Steffen Rendle

Found 21 papers, 8 papers with code

Improved Estimation of Ranks for Learning Item Recommenders with Negative Sampling

no code implementations8 Oct 2024 Anushya Subbiah, Steffen Rendle, Vikram Aggarwal

In this work, we demonstrate the benefits from correcting the bias introduced by sampling of negatives.

Recommendation Systems

Private Learning with Public Features

no code implementations24 Oct 2023 Walid Krichene, Nicolas Mayoraz, Steffen Rendle, Shuang Song, Abhradeep Thakurta, Li Zhang

We study a class of private learning problems in which the data is a join of private and public features.

Answering Compositional Queries with Set-Theoretic Embeddings

no code implementations7 Jun 2023 Shib Dasgupta, Andrew McCallum, Steffen Rendle, Li Zhang

The need to compactly and robustly represent item-attribute relations arises in many important tasks, such as faceted browsing and recommendation systems.

Attribute Recommendation Systems +1

ALX: Large Scale Matrix Factorization on TPUs

no code implementations3 Dec 2021 Harsh Mehta, Steffen Rendle, Walid Krichene, Li Zhang

We present ALX, an open-source library for distributed matrix factorization using Alternating Least Squares, written in JAX.

Link Prediction

iALS++: Speeding up Matrix Factorization with Subspace Optimization

1 code implementation26 Oct 2021 Steffen Rendle, Walid Krichene, Li Zhang, Yehuda Koren

However, iALS does not scale well with large embedding dimensions, d, due to its cubic runtime dependency on d. Coordinate descent variations, iCD, have been proposed to lower the complexity to quadratic in d. In this work, we show that iCD approaches are not well suited for modern processors and can be an order of magnitude slower than a careful iALS implementation for small to mid scale embedding sizes (d ~ 100) and only perform better than iALS on large embeddings d ~ 1000.

Revisiting the Performance of iALS on Item Recommendation Benchmarks

2 code implementations26 Oct 2021 Steffen Rendle, Walid Krichene, Li Zhang, Yehuda Koren

Matrix factorization learned by implicit alternating least squares (iALS) is a popular baseline in recommender system research publications.

Collaborative Filtering Recommendation Systems

Item Recommendation from Implicit Feedback

no code implementations21 Jan 2021 Steffen Rendle

Core challenges of item recommendation are (1) how to formulate a training objective from implicit feedback and (2) how to efficiently train models over a large item catalogue.


Zero-Shot Heterogeneous Transfer Learning from Recommender Systems to Cold-Start Search Retrieval

no code implementations7 Aug 2020 Tao Wu, Ellie Ka-In Chio, Heng-Tze Cheng, Yu Du, Steffen Rendle, Dima Kuzmin, Ritesh Agarwal, Li Zhang, John Anderson, Sarvjeet Singh, Tushar Chandra, Ed H. Chi, Wen Li, Ankit Kumar, Xiang Ma, Alex Soares, Nitin Jindal, Pei Cao

In light of these problems, we observed that most online content platforms have both a search and a recommender system that, while having heterogeneous input spaces, can be connected through their common output item space and a shared semantic representation.

Information Retrieval Recommendation Systems +2

Superbloom: Bloom filter meets Transformer

no code implementations11 Feb 2020 John Anderson, Qingqing Huang, Walid Krichene, Steffen Rendle, Li Zhang

We extend the idea of word pieces in natural language models to machine learning tasks on opaque ids.

Evaluation Metrics for Item Recommendation under Sampling

no code implementations4 Dec 2019 Steffen Rendle

The task of item recommendation requires ranking a large catalogue of items given a context.

On the Difficulty of Evaluating Baselines: A Study on Recommender Systems

2 code implementations4 May 2019 Steffen Rendle, Li Zhang, Yehuda Koren

Numerical evaluations with comparisons to baselines play a central role when judging research in recommender systems.

Collaborative Filtering Recommendation Systems

Adaptive Sampled Softmax with Kernel Based Sampling

no code implementations ICML 2018 Guy Blanc, Steffen Rendle

We empirically study the trade-off of bias, sampling distribution and sample size and show that kernel based sampling results in low bias with few samples.

Graph Based Relational Features for Collective Classification

1 code implementation9 Feb 2017 Immanuel Bayer, Uwe Nagel, Steffen Rendle

Statistical Relational Learning (SRL) methods have shown that classification accuracy can be improved by integrating relations between samples.

Classification General Classification +1

BPR: Bayesian Personalized Ranking from Implicit Feedback

22 code implementations9 May 2012 Steffen Rendle, Christoph Freudenthaler, Zeno Gantner, Lars Schmidt-Thieme

In this paper we present a generic optimization criterion BPR-Opt for personalized ranking that is the maximum posterior estimator derived from a Bayesian analysis of the problem.

Factorization Machines

2 code implementations 2010/01/01 2010 Steffen Rendle

So unlike nonlinear SVMs, a transformation in the dual form is not necessary and the model parameters can be estimated directly without the need of any support vector in the solution.

Recommendation Systems

Factorization Machines

1 code implementation1 Jan 2010 Steffen Rendle

So unlike nonlinear SVMs, a transformation in the dual form is not necessary and the model parameters can be estimated directly without the need of any support vector in the solution.

Recommendation Systems

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