Search Results for author: Stephan R. Richter

Found 11 papers, 5 papers with code

Dancing under the stars: video denoising in starlight

no code implementations CVPR 2022 Kristina Monakhova, Stephan R. Richter, Laura Waller, Vladlen Koltun

To enable this, we develop a GAN-tuned physics-based noise model to more accurately represent camera noise at the lowest light levels.

Image Denoising Video Denoising

DeepMesh: Differentiable Iso-Surface Extraction

no code implementations20 Jun 2021 Benoit Guillard, Edoardo Remelli, Artem Lukoianov, Stephan R. Richter, Timur Bagautdinov, Pierre Baque, Pascal Fua

Our key insight is that by reasoning on how implicit field perturbations impact local surface geometry, one can ultimately differentiate the 3D location of surface samples with respect to the underlying deep implicit field.

3D Reconstruction Single-View 3D Reconstruction

Enhancing Photorealism Enhancement

2 code implementations10 May 2021 Stephan R. Richter, Hassan Abu Alhaija, Vladlen Koltun

We confirm the benefits of our contributions in controlled experiments and report substantial gains in stability and realism in comparison to recent image-to-image translation methods and a variety of other baselines.

Image-to-Image Translation Translation

MeshSDF: Differentiable Iso-Surface Extraction

1 code implementation NeurIPS 2020 Edoardo Remelli, Artem Lukoianov, Stephan R. Richter, Benoît Guillard, Timur Bagautdinov, Pierre Baque, Pascal Fua

Unfortunately, these methods are often not suitable for applications that require an explicit mesh-based surface representation because converting an implicit field to such a representation relies on the Marching Cubes algorithm, which cannot be differentiated with respect to the underlying implicit field.

What Do Single-view 3D Reconstruction Networks Learn?

no code implementations CVPR 2019 Maxim Tatarchenko, Stephan R. Richter, René Ranftl, Zhuwen Li, Vladlen Koltun, Thomas Brox

Convolutional networks for single-view object reconstruction have shown impressive performance and have become a popular subject of research.

3D Reconstruction Decoder +5

Matryoshka Networks: Predicting 3D Geometry via Nested Shape Layers

3 code implementations CVPR 2018 Stephan R. Richter, Stefan Roth

We scale this baseline to higher resolutions by proposing a memory-efficient shape encoding, which recursively decomposes a 3D shape into nested shape layers, similar to the pieces of a Matryoshka doll.

3D geometry 3D Object Reconstruction +1

Playing for Data: Ground Truth from Computer Games

2 code implementations7 Aug 2016 Stephan R. Richter, Vibhav Vineet, Stefan Roth, Vladlen Koltun

Recent progress in computer vision has been driven by high-capacity models trained on large datasets.

Semantic Segmentation

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