Search Results for author: Stephanie Wang

Found 9 papers, 7 papers with code

Composable Core-sets for Diversity Approximation on Multi-Dataset Streams

no code implementations10 Aug 2023 Stephanie Wang, Michael Flynn, Fangyu Luo

Composable core-sets are core-sets with the property that subsets of the core set can be unioned together to obtain an approximation for the original data; lending themselves to be used for streamed or distributed data.

Active Learning Diversity

DeepCurrents: Learning Implicit Representations of Shapes with Boundaries

1 code implementation CVPR 2022 David Palmer, Dmitriy Smirnov, Stephanie Wang, Albert Chern, Justin Solomon

Recent techniques have been successful in reconstructing surfaces as level sets of learned functions (such as signed distance fields) parameterized by deep neural networks.

Hoplite: Efficient and Fault-Tolerant Collective Communication for Task-Based Distributed Systems

1 code implementation13 Feb 2020 Siyuan Zhuang, Zhuohan Li, Danyang Zhuo, Stephanie Wang, Eric Liang, Robert Nishihara, Philipp Moritz, Ion Stoica

Task-based distributed frameworks (e. g., Ray, Dask, Hydro) have become increasingly popular for distributed applications that contain asynchronous and dynamic workloads, including asynchronous gradient descent, reinforcement learning, and model serving.

Distributed Computing reinforcement-learning +1

Role Detection in Bicycle-Sharing Networks Using Multilayer Stochastic Block Models

2 code implementations26 Aug 2019 Jane Carlen, Jaume de Dios Pont, Cassidy Mentus, Shyr-Shea Chang, Stephanie Wang, Mason A. Porter

In urban spatial networks, there is an interdependency between neighborhood roles and the transportation methods between neighborhoods.

Social and Information Networks Statistics Theory Adaptation and Self-Organizing Systems Physics and Society Applications Statistics Theory

Learning to Play With Intrinsically-Motivated, Self-Aware Agents

no code implementations NeurIPS 2018 Nick Haber, Damian Mrowca, Stephanie Wang, Li F. Fei-Fei, Daniel L. Yamins

We demonstrate that this policy causes the agent to explore novel and informative interactions with its environment, leading to the generation of a spectrum of complex behaviors, including ego-motion prediction, object attention, and object gathering.

motion prediction Object

Training Classifiers with Natural Language Explanations

2 code implementations ACL 2018 Braden Hancock, Paroma Varma, Stephanie Wang, Martin Bringmann, Percy Liang, Christopher Ré

Training accurate classifiers requires many labels, but each label provides only limited information (one bit for binary classification).

Binary Classification General Classification +1

Ray: A Distributed Framework for Emerging AI Applications

4 code implementations16 Dec 2017 Philipp Moritz, Robert Nishihara, Stephanie Wang, Alexey Tumanov, Richard Liaw, Eric Liang, Melih Elibol, Zongheng Yang, William Paul, Michael. I. Jordan, Ion Stoica

To meet the performance requirements, Ray employs a distributed scheduler and a distributed and fault-tolerant store to manage the system's control state.

reinforcement-learning Reinforcement Learning (RL)

Real-Time Machine Learning: The Missing Pieces

2 code implementations11 Mar 2017 Robert Nishihara, Philipp Moritz, Stephanie Wang, Alexey Tumanov, William Paul, Johann Schleier-Smith, Richard Liaw, Mehrdad Niknami, Michael. I. Jordan, Ion Stoica

Machine learning applications are increasingly deployed not only to serve predictions using static models, but also as tightly-integrated components of feedback loops involving dynamic, real-time decision making.

BIG-bench Machine Learning Decision Making

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