Search Results for author: Stephen Smith

Found 7 papers, 3 papers with code

Coordinated Multi-Neighborhood Learning on a Directed Acyclic Graph

1 code implementation24 May 2024 Stephen Smith, Qing Zhou

Our method facilitates causal discovery without learning the entire DAG structure.

Causal Discovery

Neural correlates of cognitive ability and visuo-motor speed: validation of IDoCT on UK Biobank Data

no code implementations30 May 2023 Valentina Giunchiglia, Sharon Curtis, Stephen Smith, Naomi Allen, Adam Hampshire

Previously, we developed a novel modelling approach that leverages continuous performance recordings from large-cohort studies to achieve an iterative decomposition of cognitive tasks (IDoCT), which outputs data-driven estimates of cognitive abilities, and device and visuomotor latencies, whilst recalibrating trial-difficulty scales.

Biologically-plausible backpropagation through arbitrary timespans via local neuromodulators

1 code implementation2 Jun 2022 Yuhan Helena Liu, Stephen Smith, Stefan Mihalas, Eric Shea-Brown, Uygar Sümbül

Finally, we derive an in-silico implementation of ModProp that could serve as a low-complexity and causal alternative to backpropagation through time.

Challenges for machine learning in clinical translation of big data imaging studies

1 code implementation7 Jul 2021 Nicola K Dinsdale, Emma Bluemke, Vaanathi Sundaresan, Mark Jenkinson, Stephen Smith, Ana IL Namburete

The combination of deep learning image analysis methods and large-scale imaging datasets offers many opportunities to imaging neuroscience and epidemiology.

BIG-bench Machine Learning Deep Learning +2

The NonHuman Primate Neuroimaging & Neuroanatomy Project

no code implementations1 Oct 2020 Takuya Hayashi, Yujie Hou, Matthew F Glasser, Joonas A Autio, Kenneth Knoblauch, Miho Inoue-Murayama, Tim Coalson, Essa Yacoub, Stephen Smith, Henry Kennedy, David C Van Essen

Our NonHuman Primate Neuroimaging & Neuroanatomy Project (NHP_NNP) is an international effort (6 laboratories in 5 countries) to: (i) acquire and analyze high-quality multi-modal brain imaging data of macaque and marmoset monkeys using protocols and methods adapted from the HCP; (ii) acquire quantitative invasive tract-tracing data for cortical and subcortical projections to cortical areas; and (iii) map the distributions of different brain cell types with immunocytochemical stains to better define brain areal boundaries.

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