Search Results for author: Steve Liu

Found 5 papers, 1 papers with code

Hallucination Detection and Hallucination Mitigation: An Investigation

no code implementations16 Jan 2024 Junliang Luo, Tianyu Li, Di wu, Michael Jenkin, Steve Liu, Gregory Dudek

Large language models (LLMs), including ChatGPT, Bard, and Llama, have achieved remarkable successes over the last two years in a range of different applications.


Device-Free Human State Estimation using UWB Multi-Static Radios

no code implementations26 Dec 2023 Saria Al Laham, Bobak H. Baghi, Pierre-Yves Lajoie, Amal Feriani, Sachini Herath, Steve Liu, Gregory Dudek

We make use of the channel impulse response (CIR) measurements from the UWB sensors to estimate the human state - comprised of location and activity - in a given area.

Human Activity Recognition

SAGE: Smart home Agent with Grounded Execution

no code implementations1 Nov 2023 Dmitriy Rivkin, Francois Hogan, Amal Feriani, Abhisek Konar, Adam Sigal, Steve Liu, Greg Dudek

The common sense reasoning abilities and vast general knowledge of Large Language Models (LLMs) make them a natural fit for interpreting user requests in a Smart Home assistant context.

Common Sense Reasoning General Knowledge

CeBed: A Benchmark for Deep Data-Driven OFDM Channel Estimation

1 code implementation23 Jun 2023 Amal Feriani, Di wu, Steve Liu, Greg Dudek

This work offers a comprehensive and unified framework to help researchers evaluate and design data-driven channel estimation algorithms.

Experimental Design

Communication Load Balancing via Efficient Inverse Reinforcement Learning

no code implementations22 Mar 2023 Abhisek Konar, Di wu, Yi Tian Xu, Seowoo Jang, Steve Liu, Gregory Dudek

Engineering this reward function is challenging, because it involves the need for expert knowledge and there lacks a general consensus on the form of an optimal reward function.

reinforcement-learning Reinforcement Learning +1

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