Search Results for author: Steven Chen

Found 9 papers, 4 papers with code

ODAM: Object Detection, Association, and Mapping using Posed RGB Video

1 code implementation ICCV 2021 Kejie Li, Daniel DeTone, Steven Chen, Minh Vo, Ian Reid, Hamid Rezatofighi, Chris Sweeney, Julian Straub, Richard Newcombe

Localizing objects and estimating their extent in 3D is an important step towards high-level 3D scene understanding, which has many applications in Augmented Reality and Robotics.

3D Object Detection Graph Neural Network +3

Pose Trainer: Correcting Exercise Posture using Pose Estimation

no code implementations21 Jun 2020 Steven Chen, Richard R. Yang

Fitness exercises are very beneficial to personal health and fitness; however, they can also be ineffective and potentially dangerous if performed incorrectly by the user.

Pose Estimation

Minority Reports Defense: Defending Against Adversarial Patches

no code implementations28 Apr 2020 Michael McCoyd, Won Park, Steven Chen, Neil Shah, Ryan Roggenkemper, Minjune Hwang, Jason Xinyu Liu, David Wagner

We propose a defense against patch attacks based on partially occluding the image around each candidate patch location, so that a few occlusions each completely hide the patch.

Adversarial Attack General Classification +1

Generating Semantic Adversarial Examples with Differentiable Rendering

no code implementations2 Oct 2019 Lakshya Jain, Wilson Wu, Steven Chen, Uyeong Jang, Varun Chandrasekaran, Sanjit Seshia, Somesh Jha

In this paper we explore semantic adversarial examples (SAEs) where an attacker creates perturbations in the semantic space representing the environment that produces input for the ML model.

Autonomous Driving

Stateful Detection of Black-Box Adversarial Attacks

1 code implementation12 Jul 2019 Steven Chen, Nicholas Carlini, David Wagner

This is true even when, as is the case in many practical settings, the classifier is hosted as a remote service and so the adversary does not have direct access to the model parameters.

DFineNet: Ego-Motion Estimation and Depth Refinement from Sparse, Noisy Depth Input with RGB Guidance

no code implementations15 Mar 2019 Yilun Zhang, Ty Nguyen, Ian D. Miller, Shreyas S. Shivakumar, Steven Chen, Camillo J. Taylor, Vijay Kumar

Depth estimation is an important capability for autonomous vehicles to understand and reconstruct 3D environments as well as avoid obstacles during the execution.

Autonomous Vehicles Depth Completion +2

Online Model Distillation for Efficient Video Inference

1 code implementation ICCV 2019 Ravi Teja Mullapudi, Steven Chen, Keyi Zhang, Deva Ramanan, Kayvon Fatahalian

Rather than learn a specialized student model on offline data from the video stream, we train the student in an online fashion on the live video, intermittently running the teacher to provide a target for learning.

model Segmentation +3

Compare and Contrast: Learning Prominent Visual Differences

no code implementations CVPR 2018 Steven Chen, Kristen Grauman

We collect instance-level annotations of most noticeable differences, and build a model trained on relative attribute features that predicts prominent differences for unseen pairs.

Attribute Image Classification

AI Blue Book: Vehicle Price Prediction using Visual Features

1 code implementation29 Mar 2018 Richard R. Yang, Steven Chen, Edward Chou

In this work, we build a series of machine learning models to predict the price of a product given its image, and visualize the features that result in higher or lower price predictions.

General Classification Prediction +2

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