Search Results for author: Steven Grosz

Found 3 papers, 1 papers with code

Data Pruning via Separability, Integrity, and Model Uncertainty-Aware Importance Sampling

no code implementations20 Sep 2024 Steven Grosz, Rui Zhao, Rajeev Ranjan, Hongcheng Wang, Manoj Aggarwal, Gerard Medioni, Anil Jain

This paper improves upon existing data pruning methods for image classification by introducing a novel pruning metric and pruning procedure based on importance sampling.

Classification Image Classification

Hide and Seek: How Does Watermarking Impact Face Recognition?

no code implementations29 Apr 2024 Yuguang Yao, Steven Grosz, Sijia Liu, Anil Jain

The recent progress in generative models has revolutionized the synthesis of highly realistic images, including face images.

Data Augmentation Decoder +3

Hierarchical Fine-Grained Image Forgery Detection and Localization

1 code implementation CVPR 2023 Xiao Guo, Xiaohong Liu, Zhiyuan Ren, Steven Grosz, Iacopo Masi, Xiaoming Liu

As a result, the algorithm is encouraged to learn both comprehensive features and inherent hierarchical nature of different forgery attributes, thereby improving the IFDL representation.

Attribute Classification +2

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