Search Results for author: Steven Waslander

Found 14 papers, 6 papers with code

Image-to-Lidar Relational Distillation for Autonomous Driving Data

no code implementations1 Sep 2024 Anas Mahmoud, Ali Harakeh, Steven Waslander

To bridge this gap, we propose a relational distillation framework enforcing intra-modal and cross-modal constraints, resulting in distilled 3D representations that closely capture the structure of the 2D representation.

3D Semantic Segmentation Autonomous Driving +3

JDT3D: Addressing the Gaps in LiDAR-Based Tracking-by-Attention

1 code implementation6 Jul 2024 Brian Cheong, Jiachen Zhou, Steven Waslander

Tracking-by-detection (TBD) methods achieve state-of-the-art performance on 3D tracking benchmarks for autonomous driving.

Autonomous Driving

Class Instance Balanced Learning for Long-Tailed Classification

no code implementations11 Jul 2023 Marc-Antoine Lavoie, Steven Waslander

We propose a novel class instance balanced loss (CIBL), which reweights the relative contributions of a cross-entropy and a contrastive loss as a function of the frequency of class instances in the training batch.

Classification Contrastive Learning +1

ProPanDL: A Modular Architecture for Uncertainty-Aware Panoptic Segmentation

no code implementations17 Apr 2023 Jacob Deery, Chang Won Lee, Steven Waslander

Unlike existing segmentation methods, ProPanDL is capable of estimating full probability distributions for both the semantic and spatial aspects of panoptic segmentation.

scoring rule Segmentation +1

LiDAR-MIMO: Efficient Uncertainty Estimation for LiDAR-based 3D Object Detection

no code implementations1 Jun 2022 Matthew Pitropov, Chengjie Huang, Vahdat Abdelzad, Krzysztof Czarnecki, Steven Waslander

The estimation of uncertainty in robotic vision, such as 3D object detection, is an essential component in developing safe autonomous systems aware of their own performance.

3D Object Detection Object +1

Accurate Prediction and Uncertainty Estimation using Decoupled Prediction Interval Networks

no code implementations19 Feb 2022 Kinjal Patel, Steven Waslander

We compare the proposed method with current state-of-the-art uncertainty quantification algorithms on synthetic datasets and UCI benchmarks, reducing the error in the predictions by 23 to 34% while maintaining 95% Prediction Interval Coverage Probability (PICP) for 7 out of 9 UCI benchmark datasets.

Active Learning Prediction +1

UrbanNet: Leveraging Urban Maps for Long Range 3D Object Detection

no code implementations11 Oct 2021 Juan Carrillo, Steven Waslander

Relying on monocular image data for precise 3D object detection remains an open problem, whose solution has broad implications for cost-sensitive applications such as traffic monitoring.

Monocular 3D Object Detection Object +1

Bayesian Embeddings for Few-Shot Open World Recognition

no code implementations29 Jul 2021 John Willes, James Harrison, Ali Harakeh, Chelsea Finn, Marco Pavone, Steven Waslander

As autonomous decision-making agents move from narrow operating environments to unstructured worlds, learning systems must move from a closed-world formulation to an open-world and few-shot setting in which agents continuously learn new classes from small amounts of information.

Decision Making Few-Shot Learning

A Review and Comparative Study on Probabilistic Object Detection in Autonomous Driving

1 code implementation20 Nov 2020 Di Feng, Ali Harakeh, Steven Waslander, Klaus Dietmayer

Next, we present a strict comparative study for probabilistic object detection based on an image detector and three public autonomous driving datasets.

Autonomous Driving Object +2

Canadian Adverse Driving Conditions Dataset

1 code implementation27 Jan 2020 Matthew Pitropov, Danson Garcia, Jason Rebello, Michael Smart, Carlos Wang, Krzysztof Czarnecki, Steven Waslander

The Canadian Adverse Driving Conditions (CADC) dataset was collected with the Autonomoose autonomous vehicle platform, based on a modified Lincoln MKZ.

3D Object Detection object-detection

TruPercept: Trust Modelling for Autonomous Vehicle Cooperative Perception from Synthetic Data

1 code implementation17 Sep 2019 Braden Hurl, Robin Cohen, Krzysztof Czarnecki, Steven Waslander

Inter-vehicle communication for autonomous vehicles (AVs) stands to provide significant benefits in terms of perception robustness.

Autonomous Vehicles

Unlimited Road-scene Synthetic Annotation (URSA) Dataset

no code implementations16 Jul 2018 Matt Angus, Mohamed ElBalkini, Samin Khan, Ali Harakeh, Oles Andrienko, Cody Reading, Steven Waslander, Krzysztof Czarnecki

Utilizing open-source tools and resources found in single-player modding communities, we provide a method for persistent, ground truth, asset annotation of a game world.

Semantic Segmentation

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