Search Results for author: Stuart James

Found 14 papers, 7 papers with code

6DGS: 6D Pose Estimation from a Single Image and a 3D Gaussian Splatting Model

no code implementations22 Jul 2024 Matteo Bortolon, Theodore Tsesmelis, Stuart James, Fabio Poiesi, Alessio Del Bue

Each Ellicell ray is associated with the rendering parameters of each ellipsoid, which in turn is used to obtain the best bindings between the target image pixels and the cast rays.

6D Pose Estimation Novel View Synthesis

IFFNeRF: Initialisation Free and Fast 6DoF pose estimation from a single image and a NeRF model

no code implementations19 Mar 2024 Matteo Bortolon, Theodore Tsesmelis, Stuart James, Fabio Poiesi, Alessio Del Bue

We introduce IFFNeRF to estimate the six degrees-of-freedom (6DoF) camera pose of a given image, building on the Neural Radiance Fields (NeRF) formulation.

Pose Estimation

Towards the Reusability and Compositionality of Causal Representations

no code implementations14 Mar 2024 Davide Talon, Phillip Lippe, Stuart James, Alessio Del Bue, Sara Magliacane

Causal Representation Learning (CRL) aims at identifying high-level causal factors and their relationships from high-dimensional observations, e. g., images.

Representation Learning Temporal Sequences

PRAGO: Differentiable Multi-View Pose Optimization From Objectness Detections

no code implementations13 Mar 2024 Matteo Taiana, Matteo Toso, Stuart James, Alessio Del Bue

Robustly estimating camera poses from a set of images is a fundamental task which remains challenging for differentiable methods, especially in the case of small and sparse camera pose graphs.

graph construction Pose Estimation +1

3DoF Localization from a Single Image and an Object Map: the Flatlandia Problem and Dataset

1 code implementation13 Apr 2023 Matteo Toso, Matteo Taiana, Stuart James, Alessio Del Bue

Efficient visual localization is crucial to many applications, such as large-scale deployment of autonomous agents and augmented reality.

Privacy Preserving Visual Localization

Positional Diffusion: Ordering Unordered Sets with Diffusion Probabilistic Models

1 code implementation20 Mar 2023 Francesco Giuliari, Gianluca Scarpellini, Stuart James, Yiming Wang, Alessio Del Bue

We present Positional Diffusion, a plug-and-play graph formulation with Diffusion Probabilistic Models to address positional reasoning.

Graph Neural Network Sentence +2

PoserNet: Refining Relative Camera Poses Exploiting Object Detections

1 code implementation19 Jul 2022 Matteo Taiana, Matteo Toso, Stuart James, Alessio Del Bue

The estimation of the camera poses associated with a set of images commonly relies on feature matches between the images.

Graph Neural Network Object +1

GANzzle: Reframing jigsaw puzzle solving as a retrieval task using a generative mental image

1 code implementation12 Jul 2022 Davide Talon, Alessio Del Bue, Stuart James

Puzzle solving is a combinatorial challenge due to the difficulty of matching adjacent pieces.


LIGHTS: LIGHT Specularity Dataset for specular detection in Multi-view

no code implementations26 Jan 2021 Mohamed Dahy Elkhouly, Theodore Tsesmelis, Alessio Del Bue, Stuart James

Therefore, we propose a novel physically-based rendered LIGHT Specularity (LIGHTS) Dataset for the evaluation of the specular highlight detection task.

Highlight Detection

Consistent Mesh Colors for Multi-View Reconstructed 3D Scenes

no code implementations26 Jan 2021 Mohamed Dahy Elkhouly, Alessio Del Bue, Stuart James

We then use this color in a re-weighting ratio for the best-view texture, which is identified by prior mesh texturing work, to create a spatial consistent texture map.

Mixing realities for sketch retrieval in Virtual Reality

no code implementations25 Oct 2019 Daniele Giunchi, Stuart James, Donald Degraen, Anthony Steed

While we pose our work as a retrieval problem for 3D models of chairs, our results can be extrapolated to other sketching tasks for virtual environments.


re-OBJ: Jointly Learning the Foreground and Background for Object Instance Re-identification

1 code implementation17 Sep 2019 Vaibhav Bansal, Stuart James, Alessio Del Bue

Conventional approaches to object instance re-identification rely on matching appearances of the target objects among a set of frames.


Visual Graphs from Motion (VGfM): Scene understanding with object geometry reasoning

2 code implementations16 Jul 2018 Paul Gay, Stuart James, Alessio Del Bue

Recent approaches on visual scene understanding attempt to build a scene graph -- a computational representation of objects and their pairwise relationships.

3d scene graph generation Graph Generation +2

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