Search Results for author: Subir Majumder

Found 7 papers, 1 papers with code

An Econometric Analysis of Large Flexible Cryptocurrency-mining Consumers in Electricity Markets

no code implementations21 Aug 2024 Subir Majumder, Ignacio Aravena, Le Xie

As the scale of these firms is likely to surge in future years, the developed electricity consumption model can be used to generate public, synthetic datasets to understand the overall impact on the power grid.

Predicting DC-Link Capacitor Current Ripple in AC-DC Rectifier Circuits Using Fine-Tuned Large Language Models

no code implementations1 Jul 2024 Mohamed Zeid, Subir Majumder, Hasan Ibrahim, Prasad Enjeti, Le Xie, Chao Tian

Foundational Large Language Models (LLMs) such as GPT-3. 5-turbo allow users to refine the model based on newer information, known as ``fine-tuning''.

The Role of Electric Grid Research in Addressing Climate Change

no code implementations25 Jun 2024 Le Xie, Subir Majumder, Tong Huang, Qian Zhang, Ping Chang, David J. Hill, Mohammad Shahidehpour

Addressing the urgency of climate change necessitates a coordinated and inclusive effort from all relevant stakeholders.

Exploring the Capabilities and Limitations of Large Language Models in the Electric Energy Sector

no code implementations14 Mar 2024 Subir Majumder, Lin Dong, Fatemeh Doudi, Yuting Cai, Chao Tian, Dileep Kalathi, Kevin Ding, Anupam A. Thatte, Na Li, Le Xie

Large Language Models (LLMs) as chatbots have drawn remarkable attention thanks to their versatile capability in natural language processing as well as in a wide range of tasks.

RAG Retrieval

Electromagnetic Transient Model of Cryptocurrency Mining Loads for Low-Voltage Ride Through Assessment in Transmission Grids

no code implementations22 Dec 2023 Anindita Samanta, Subir Majumder, Hasan Ibrahim, Prasad Enjeti, Le Xie

In this paper, we developed an Electromagnetic Transient (EMT) model tailored for large cryptocurrency mining loads to understand the cross-interaction of these loads with the electric grid.

Securely implementing and managing neighborhood solar with storage and peer to peer transactive energy

1 code implementation23 Feb 2023 Steven Knudsen, Subir Majumder, Anurag K. Srivastava

The proposed infrastructure would (i) increase the resilience of the customers in case the utility grid becomes unavailable, (ii) reduce AC/DC conversion losses since a majority of the DER generation is in DC, and (iii) with the help of BESS, the customers will have a lesser impact on the utility grid in terms of California 'duck curve.'

Reinforcement Learning based Proactive Control for Transmission Grid Resilience to Wildfire

no code implementations12 Jul 2021 Salah U. Kadir, Subir Majumder, Ajay D. Chhokra, Abhishek Dubey, Himanshu Neema, Aron Laszka, Anurag K. Srivastava

We model and solve the proactive control problem as a Markov decision process and introduce an integrated testbed for spatio-temporal wildfire propagation and proactive power-system operation.

Decision Making reinforcement-learning +1

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