Search Results for author: Sue Hyun Park

Found 6 papers, 5 papers with code

How Does Vision-Language Adaptation Impact the Safety of Vision Language Models?

no code implementations10 Oct 2024 Seongyun Lee, Geewook Kim, Jiyeon Kim, Hyunji Lee, Hoyeon Chang, Sue Hyun Park, Minjoon Seo

Vision-Language adaptation (VL adaptation) transforms Large Language Models (LLMs) into Large Vision-Language Models (LVLMs) for multimodal tasks, but this process often compromises the inherent safety capabilities embedded in the original LLMs.

Hierarchical Deconstruction of LLM Reasoning: A Graph-Based Framework for Analyzing Knowledge Utilization

1 code implementation27 Jun 2024 Miyoung Ko, Sue Hyun Park, Joonsuk Park, Minjoon Seo

Based on a hierarchical graph, we quantify forward discrepancy, a discrepancy in LLM performance on simpler sub-problems versus complex questions.


Aligning to Thousands of Preferences via System Message Generalization

1 code implementation28 May 2024 Seongyun Lee, Sue Hyun Park, Seungone Kim, Minjoon Seo

Using this dataset, we train a 7B LLM called Janus and test it on 921 prompts from 5 benchmarks (AlpacaEval 2. 0, FLASK, Koala, MT-Bench, and Self-Instruct) by adding various unseen system messages that reflect user preferences.

Language Modelling Large Language Model

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