Search Results for author: Sumon Kanti Dey

Found 3 papers, 2 papers with code

BanglaQuAD: A Bengali Open-domain Question Answering Dataset

no code implementations14 Oct 2024 Md Rashad Al Hasan Rony, Sudipto Kumar Shaha, Rakib Al Hasan, Sumon Kanti Dey, Amzad Hossain Rafi, Ashraf Hasan Sirajee, Jens Lehmann

Bengali is the seventh most spoken language on earth, yet considered a low-resource language in the field of natural language processing (NLP).

Open-Domain Question Answering Sentence

DeepHateExplainer: Explainable Hate Speech Detection in Under-resourced Bengali Language

1 code implementation28 Dec 2020 Md. Rezaul Karim, Sumon Kanti Dey, Tanhim Islam, Sagor Sarker, Mehadi Hasan Menon, Kabir Hossain, Bharathi Raja Chakravarthi, Md. Azam Hossain, Stefan Decker

The exponential growths of social media and micro-blogging sites not only provide platforms for empowering freedom of expressions and individual voices, but also enables people to express anti-social behaviour like online harassment, cyberbullying, and hate speech.

Hate Speech Detection Word Embeddings

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