Search Results for author: Sungjoon Park

Found 16 papers, 6 papers with code

Suicidal Risk Detection for Military Personnel

no code implementations EMNLP 2020 Sungjoon Park, Kiwoong Park, Jaimeen Ahn, Alice Oh

We analyze social media for detecting the suicidal risk of military personnel, which is especially crucial for countries with compulsory military service such as the Republic of Korea.


Interpretable Convolutional SyncNet

no code implementations2 Sep 2024 Sungjoon Park, Jaesub Yun, Donggeon Lee, Minsik Park

Our model can better handle larger images, and its output can be given a probabilistic interpretation.

Analyzing Norm Violations in Live-Stream Chat

no code implementations18 May 2023 Jihyung Moon, Dong-Ho Lee, Hyundong Cho, Woojeong Jin, Chan Young Park, Minwoo Kim, Jonathan May, Jay Pujara, Sungjoon Park

Previous approaches to detecting toxic language and norm violations have been primarily concerned with conversations from online forums and social media, such as Reddit and Twitter.

Towards standardizing Korean Grammatical Error Correction: Datasets and Annotation

1 code implementation25 Oct 2022 Soyoung Yoon, Sungjoon Park, Gyuwan Kim, Junhee Cho, Kihyo Park, Gyutae Kim, Minjoon Seo, Alice Oh

We show that the model trained with our datasets significantly outperforms the currently used statistical Korean GEC system (Hanspell) on a wider range of error types, demonstrating the diversity and usefulness of the datasets.

Attribute Diversity +1

KOLD: Korean Offensive Language Dataset

1 code implementation23 May 2022 Younghoon Jeong, Juhyun Oh, Jaimeen Ahn, Jongwon Lee, Jihyung Moon, Sungjoon Park, Alice Oh

Recent directions for offensive language detection are hierarchical modeling, identifying the type and the target of offensive language, and interpretability with offensive span annotation and prediction.


Fast End-to-end Coreference Resolution for Korean

no code implementations Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics 2020 Cheoneum Park, Jamin Shin, Sungjoon Park, JoonHo Lim, Changki Lee

Recently, end-to-end neural network-based approaches have shown significant improvements over traditional pipeline-based models in English coreference resolution.

coreference-resolution Knowledge Distillation

Dimensional Emotion Detection from Categorical Emotion

1 code implementation EMNLP 2021 Sungjoon Park, Jiseon Kim, Seonghyeon Ye, Jaeyeol Jeon, Hee Young Park, Alice Oh

We present a model to predict fine-grained emotions along the continuous dimensions of valence, arousal, and dominance (VAD) with a corpus with categorical emotion annotations.

Emotion Classification Sentence

Additive Compositionality of Word Vectors

no code implementations WS 2019 Yeon Seonwoo, Sungjoon Park, Dongkwan Kim, Alice Oh

Additive compositionality of word embedding models has been studied from empirical and theoretical perspectives.

Sentence Sentence Similarity +1

Conversation Model Fine-Tuning for Classifying Client Utterances in Counseling Dialogues

no code implementations NAACL 2019 Sungjoon Park, Donghyun Kim, Alice Oh

A dataset of those interactions can be used to learn to automatically classify the client utterances into categories that help counselors in diagnosing client status and predicting counseling outcome.

Language Modelling

Subword-level Word Vector Representations for Korean

1 code implementation ACL 2018 Sungjoon Park, Jeongmin Byun, Sion Baek, Yongseok Cho, Alice Oh

The results show that our simple method outperforms word2vec and character-level Skip-Grams on semantic and syntactic similarity and analogy tasks and contributes positively toward downstream NLP tasks such as sentiment analysis.

Document Classification Language Modelling +3

Rotated Word Vector Representations and their Interpretability

1 code implementation EMNLP 2017 Sungjoon Park, JinYeong Bak, Alice Oh

We apply several rotation algorithms to the vector representation of words to improve the interpretability.

Understanding Editing Behaviors in Multilingual Wikipedia

no code implementations28 Aug 2015 Suin Kim, Sungjoon Park, Scott A. Hale, Sooyoung Kim, Jeongmin Byun, Alice Oh

We study multilingualism by collecting and analyzing a large dataset of the content written by multilingual editors of the English, German, and Spanish editions of Wikipedia.

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