Search Results for author: Sunna Torge

Found 3 papers, 3 papers with code

Few-Shot Learning for Argument Aspects of the Nuclear Energy Debate

1 code implementation LREC 2022 Lena Jurkschat, Gregor Wiedemann, Maximilian Heinrich, Mattes Ruckdeschel, Sunna Torge

We approach aspect-based argument mining as a supervised machine learning task to classify arguments into semantically coherent groups referring to the same defined aspect categories.

Argument Mining Few-Shot Learning

Towards Computational Performance Engineering for Unsupervised Concept Drift Detection -- Complexities, Benchmarking, Performance Analysis

1 code implementation17 Apr 2023 Elias Werner, Nishant Kumar, Matthias Lieber, Sunna Torge, Stefan Gumhold, Wolfgang E. Nagel

Hence, we propose and explain performance engineering for unsupervised concept drift detection that reflects on computational complexities, benchmarking, and performance analysis.


Large-scale Neural Solvers for Partial Differential Equations

1 code implementation8 Sep 2020 Patrick Stiller, Friedrich Bethke, Maximilian Böhme, Richard Pausch, Sunna Torge, Alexander Debus, Jan Vorberger, Michael Bussmann, Nico Hoffmann

However, recent numerical solvers require manual discretization of the underlying equation as well as sophisticated, tailored code for distributed computing.

Distributed Computing

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