Search Results for author: Susan Wei

Found 17 papers, 4 papers with code

Pathwise Gradient Variance Reduction with Control Variates in Variational Inference

no code implementations8 Oct 2024 Kenyon Ng, Susan Wei

In this work, we review existing control-variates-based variance reduction methods for pathwise gradient estimators to assess their effectiveness.

Variational Inference

Temperature Optimization for Bayesian Deep Learning

no code implementations8 Oct 2024 Kenyon Ng, Chris van der Heide, Liam Hodgkinson, Susan Wei

The Cold Posterior Effect (CPE) is a phenomenon in Bayesian Deep Learning (BDL), where tempering the posterior to a cold temperature often improves the predictive performance of the posterior predictive distribution (PPD).

Deep Learning

Leveraging free energy in pretraining model selection for improved fine-tuning

no code implementations8 Oct 2024 Michael Munn, Susan Wei

Recent advances in artificial intelligence have been fueled by the development of foundation models such as BERT, GPT, T5, and Vision Transformers.

Model Selection

The Developmental Landscape of In-Context Learning

no code implementations4 Feb 2024 Jesse Hoogland, George Wang, Matthew Farrugia-Roberts, Liam Carroll, Susan Wei, Daniel Murfet

We show that in-context learning emerges in transformers in discrete developmental stages, when they are trained on either language modeling or linear regression tasks.

In-Context Learning Language Modeling +2

Interventional Fairness on Partially Known Causal Graphs: A Constrained Optimization Approach

no code implementations19 Jan 2024 Aoqi Zuo, Yiqing Li, Susan Wei, Mingming Gong

To address this limitation, this paper proposes a framework for achieving causal fairness based on the notion of interventions when the true causal graph is partially known.

Causal Inference Fairness

Dynamical versus Bayesian Phase Transitions in a Toy Model of Superposition

no code implementations10 Oct 2023 Zhongtian Chen, Edmund Lau, Jake Mendel, Susan Wei, Daniel Murfet

We investigate phase transitions in a Toy Model of Superposition (TMS) using Singular Learning Theory (SLT).

Learning Theory

The Local Learning Coefficient: A Singularity-Aware Complexity Measure

1 code implementation23 Aug 2023 Edmund Lau, Zach Furman, George Wang, Daniel Murfet, Susan Wei

The Local Learning Coefficient (LLC) is introduced as a novel complexity measure for deep neural networks (DNNs).

Inductive Bias Learning Theory

Technical outlier detection via convolutional variational autoencoder for the ADMANI breast mammogram dataset

no code implementations20 May 2023 Hui Li, Carlos A. Pena Solorzano, Susan Wei, Davis J. McCarthy

The ADMANI datasets (annotated digital mammograms and associated non-image datasets) from the Transforming Breast Cancer Screening with AI programme (BRAIx) run by BreastScreen Victoria in Australia are multi-centre, large scale, clinically curated, real-world databases.

Breast Cancer Detection Outlier Detection

Variational Bayesian Neural Networks via Resolution of Singularities

1 code implementation13 Feb 2023 Susan Wei, Edmund Lau

In this work, we advocate for the importance of singular learning theory (SLT) as it pertains to the theory and practice of variational inference in Bayesian neural networks (BNNs).

Learning Theory Variational Inference

Counterfactual Fairness with Partially Known Causal Graph

no code implementations27 May 2022 Aoqi Zuo, Susan Wei, Tongliang Liu, Bo Han, Kun Zhang, Mingming Gong

Interestingly, we find that counterfactual fairness can be achieved as if the true causal graph were fully known, when specific background knowledge is provided: the sensitive attributes do not have ancestors in the causal graph.

BIG-bench Machine Learning Causal Inference +2

Variational Inference via Resolution of Singularities

no code implementations29 Sep 2021 Susan Wei

The approximation relies on a central result from singular learning theory according to which the posterior distribution over the parameters of a singular model, following an algebraic-geometrical transformation known as a desingularization map, is asymptotically a mixture of standard forms.

Learning Theory Variational Inference

Deep Learning is Singular, and That's Good

1 code implementation22 Oct 2020 Daniel Murfet, Susan Wei, Mingming Gong, Hui Li, Jesse Gell-Redman, Thomas Quella

In singular models, the optimal set of parameters forms an analytic set with singularities and classical statistical inference cannot be applied to such models.

Deep Learning Learning Theory

The Fairness-Accuracy Pareto Front

no code implementations25 Aug 2020 Susan Wei, Marc Niethammer

Algorithmic fairness seeks to identify and correct sources of bias in machine learning algorithms.

Decision Making Fairness

A Shooting Formulation of Deep Learning

no code implementations NeurIPS 2020 François-Xavier Vialard, Roland Kwitt, Susan Wei, Marc Niethammer

Continuous-depth neural networks can be viewed as deep limits of discrete neural networks whose dynamics resemble a discretization of an ordinary differential equation (ODE).

Deep Learning

The fairness-accuracy landscape of neural classifiers

no code implementations25 Sep 2019 Susan Wei, Marc Niethammer

That machine learning algorithms can demonstrate bias is well-documented by now.

Attribute Causal Inference +1

Direction-Projection-Permutation for High Dimensional Hypothesis Tests

1 code implementation2 Apr 2013 Susan Wei, Chihoon Lee, Lindsay Wichers, Gen Li, J. S. Marron

Motivated by the prevalence of high dimensional low sample size datasets in modern statistical applications, we propose a general nonparametric framework, Direction-Projection-Permutation (DiProPerm), for testing high dimensional hypotheses.


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