Search Results for author: Susu Sun

Found 3 papers, 3 papers with code

Attri-Net: A Globally and Locally Inherently Interpretable Model for Multi-Label Classification Using Class-Specific Counterfactuals

1 code implementation8 Jun 2024 Susu Sun, Stefano Woerner, Andreas Maier, Lisa M. Koch, Christian F. Baumgartner

Attri-Net first counterfactually generates class-specific attribution maps to highlight the disease evidence, then performs classification with logistic regression classifiers based solely on the attribution maps.

Clinical Knowledge Multi-Label Classification

Right for the Wrong Reason: Can Interpretable ML Techniques Detect Spurious Correlations?

1 code implementation23 Jul 2023 Susu Sun, Lisa M. Koch, Christian F. Baumgartner

Such dependencies on confounding information can be difficult to detect using performance metrics if the test data comes from the same distribution as the training data.

Inherently Interpretable Multi-Label Classification Using Class-Specific Counterfactuals

2 code implementations1 Mar 2023 Susu Sun, Stefano Woerner, Andreas Maier, Lisa M. Koch, Christian F. Baumgartner

Furthermore, as we show in this paper, current explanation techniques do not perform adequately in the multi-label scenario, in which multiple medical findings may co-occur in a single image.

Classification Clinical Knowledge +2

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