Search Results for author: Svenja Stark

Found 3 papers, 0 papers with code

Model-Based Quality-Diversity Search for Efficient Robot Learning

no code implementations11 Aug 2020 Leon Keller, Daniel Tanneberg, Svenja Stark, Jan Peters

One approach that was recently used to autonomously generate a repertoire of diverse skills is a novelty based Quality-Diversity~(QD) algorithm.

Diversity Evolutionary Algorithms

Experience Reuse with Probabilistic Movement Primitives

no code implementations11 Aug 2019 Svenja Stark, Jan Peters, Elmar Rueckert

Accordingly, for learning a new task, time could be saved by restricting the parameter search space by initializing it with the solution of a similar task.

Transfer Learning

Learning walk and trot from the same objective using different types of exploration

no code implementations28 Apr 2019 Zinan Liu, Kai Ploeger, Svenja Stark, Elmar Rueckert, Jan Peters

In quadruped gait learning, policy search methods that scale high dimensional continuous action spaces are commonly used.

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