Search Results for author: Swarnendu Ghosh

Found 9 papers, 0 papers with code

GuideBP: Guiding Backpropagation Through Weaker Pathways of Parallel Logits

no code implementations23 Apr 2021 Bodhisatwa Mandal, Swarnendu Ghosh, Teresa Gonçalves, Paulo Quaresma, Mita Nasipuri, Nibaran Das

Convolutional neural networks often generate multiple logits and use simple techniques like addition or averaging for loss computation.

Two-phase Dynamic Routing for Micro and Macro-level Equivariance in Multi-Column Capsule Networks

no code implementations18 Aug 2020 Bodhisatwa Mandal, Ritesh Sarkhel, Swarnendu Ghosh, Nibaran Das, Mita Nasipuri

To address this, we propose a novel two-phase dynamic routing protocol that computes agreements between neurons at various layers for micro and macro-level features, following a hierarchical learning paradigm.

Image Classification

Understanding Deep Learning Techniques for Image Segmentation

no code implementations13 Jul 2019 Swarnendu Ghosh, Nibaran Das, Ishita Das, Ujjwal Maulik

This paper approaches these various deep learning techniques of image segmentation from an analytical perspective.

Deep Learning Image Segmentation +4

Using dynamic routing to extract intermediate features for developing scalable capsule networks

no code implementations13 Jul 2019 Bodhisatwa Mandal, Swarnendu Ghosh, Ritesh Sarkhel, Nibaran Das, Mita Nasipuri

Capsule networks have gained a lot of popularity in short time due to its unique approach to model equivariant class specific properties as capsules from images.

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