Search Results for author: Ta-Chung Chi

Found 19 papers, 11 papers with code

Attention Alignment and Flexible Positional Embeddings Improve Transformer Length Extrapolation

no code implementations1 Nov 2023 Ta-Chung Chi, Ting-Han Fan, Alexander I. Rudnicky

This suggests that a flexible positional embedding design and attention alignment can go a long way toward Transformer length extrapolation.

Code Completion Language Modelling +2

Advancing Regular Language Reasoning in Linear Recurrent Neural Networks

1 code implementation14 Sep 2023 Ting-Han Fan, Ta-Chung Chi, Alexander I. Rudnicky

In recent studies, linear recurrent neural networks (LRNNs) have achieved Transformer-level performance in natural language and long-range modeling, while offering rapid parallel training and constant inference cost.

Long-range modeling

Structured Dialogue Discourse Parsing

1 code implementation SIGDIAL (ACL) 2022 Ta-Chung Chi, Alexander I. Rudnicky

In addition, unlike in previous work, we do not rely on hand-crafted features; this improves the model's robustness.

Discourse Parsing Multiple-choice

PESCO: Prompt-enhanced Self Contrastive Learning for Zero-shot Text Classification

no code implementations24 May 2023 Yau-Shian Wang, Ta-Chung Chi, Ruohong Zhang, Yiming Yang

We present PESCO, a novel contrastive learning framework that substantially improves the performance of zero-shot text classification.

Contrastive Learning text-classification +3

Transformer Working Memory Enables Regular Language Reasoning and Natural Language Length Extrapolation

no code implementations5 May 2023 Ta-Chung Chi, Ting-Han Fan, Alexander I. Rudnicky, Peter J. Ramadge

Unlike recurrent models, conventional wisdom has it that Transformers cannot perfectly model regular languages.

Dissecting Transformer Length Extrapolation via the Lens of Receptive Field Analysis

no code implementations20 Dec 2022 Ta-Chung Chi, Ting-Han Fan, Alexander I. Rudnicky, Peter J. Ramadge

Length extrapolation permits training a transformer language model on short sequences that preserves perplexities when tested on substantially longer sequences.

Language Modelling

On Task-Adaptive Pretraining for Dialogue Response Selection

no code implementations8 Oct 2022 Tzu-Hsiang Lin, Ta-Chung Chi, Anna Rumshisky

Recent advancements in dialogue response selection (DRS) are based on the \textit{task-adaptive pre-training (TAP)} approach, by first initializing their model with BERT~\cite{devlin-etal-2019-bert}, and adapt to dialogue data with dialogue-specific or fine-grained pre-training tasks.

Training Discrete Deep Generative Models via Gapped Straight-Through Estimator

1 code implementation15 Jun 2022 Ting-Han Fan, Ta-Chung Chi, Alexander I. Rudnicky, Peter J. Ramadge

While deep generative models have succeeded in image processing, natural language processing, and reinforcement learning, training that involves discrete random variables remains challenging due to the high variance of its gradient estimation process.

ListOps reinforcement-learning +1

KERPLE: Kernelized Relative Positional Embedding for Length Extrapolation

2 code implementations20 May 2022 Ta-Chung Chi, Ting-Han Fan, Peter J. Ramadge, Alexander I. Rudnicky

Relative positional embeddings (RPE) have received considerable attention since RPEs effectively model the relative distance among tokens and enable length extrapolation.

Diversity Language Modelling +1

Are you doing what I say? On modalities alignment in ALFRED

no code implementations12 Oct 2021 Ting-Rui Chiang, Yi-Ting Yeh, Ta-Chung Chi, Yau-Shian Wang

ALFRED is a recently proposed benchmark that requires a model to complete tasks in simulated house environments specified by instructions in natural language.

Automatic Speech Verification Spoofing Detection

1 code implementation15 Dec 2020 Shentong Mo, Haofan Wang, Pinxu Ren, Ta-Chung Chi

Automatic speech verification (ASV) is the technology to determine the identity of a person based on their voice.

Just Ask:An Interactive Learning Framework for Vision and Language Navigation

no code implementations2 Dec 2019 Ta-Chung Chi, Mihail Eric, Seokhwan Kim, Minmin Shen, Dilek Hakkani-Tur

We demonstrate the proposed strategy is substantially more realistic and data-efficient compared to previously proposed pre-exploration techniques.

Continual Learning Data Augmentation +3

BCWS: Bilingual Contextual Word Similarity

2 code implementations21 Oct 2018 Ta-Chung Chi, Ching-Yen Shih, Yun-Nung Chen

This paper introduces the first dataset for evaluating English-Chinese Bilingual Contextual Word Similarity, namely BCWS (https://github. com/MiuLab/BCWS).

Word Similarity

CLUSE: Cross-Lingual Unsupervised Sense Embeddings

1 code implementation EMNLP 2018 Ta-Chung Chi, Yun-Nung Chen

The model is evaluated on the Stanford Contextual Word Similarity (SCWS) dataset to ensure the quality of monolingual sense embeddings.

Representation Learning Word Similarity

xSense: Learning Sense-Separated Sparse Representations and Textual Definitions for Explainable Word Sense Networks

1 code implementation10 Sep 2018 Ting-Yun Chang, Ta-Chung Chi, Shang-Chi Tsai, Yun-Nung Chen

This paper focuses on interpreting the embeddings for various aspects, including sense separation in the vector dimensions and definition generation.

Word Embeddings Word Sense Disambiguation

Speaker Role Contextual Modeling for Language Understanding and Dialogue Policy Learning

1 code implementation IJCNLP 2017 Ta-Chung Chi, Po-Chun Chen, Shang-Yu Su, Yun-Nung Chen

Language understanding (LU) and dialogue policy learning are two essential components in conversational systems.

Dynamic Time-Aware Attention to Speaker Roles and Contexts for Spoken Language Understanding

1 code implementation30 Sep 2017 Po-Chun Chen, Ta-Chung Chi, Shang-Yu Su, Yun-Nung Chen

However, the previous model only paid attention to the content in history utterances without considering their temporal information and speaker roles.

Dialogue State Tracking Spoken Language Understanding

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