Search Results for author: Tae-Young Kim

Found 4 papers, 1 papers with code

Mitigating Background Shift in Class-Incremental Semantic Segmentation

1 code implementation16 Jul 2024 Gilhan Park, WonJun Moon, SuBeen Lee, Tae-Young Kim, Jae-Pil Heo

Additionally, in the case of the second approach, initializing the new class classifier with background knowledge triggers a similar background shift issue, but towards the new classes.

Disjoint 15-1 Disjoint 15-5 +12

Fine-Tuning the Retrieval Mechanism for Tabular Deep Learning

no code implementations13 Nov 2023 Felix den Breejen, Sangmin Bae, Stephen Cha, Tae-Young Kim, Seoung Hyun Koh, Se-Young Yun

While interests in tabular deep learning has significantly grown, conventional tree-based models still outperform deep learning methods.

Deep Learning Retrieval +1

Real-time 3-D Mapping with Estimating Acoustic Materials

no code implementations16 Sep 2019 Tae-Young Kim, Youngsun Kwon, Sung-Eui Yoon

This paper proposes a real-time system integrating an acoustic material estimation from visual appearance and an on-the-fly mapping in the 3-dimension.

Semantic Segmentation Sound Source Localization

Lifelog Patterns Analyzation using Graph Embedding based on Deep Neural Network

no code implementations10 Sep 2019 Wonsup Shin, Tae-Young Kim, Sung-Bae Cho

A lifelog is a kind of big data to analyze behavior patterns in the daily life of individuals collected from various smart de-vices.

Graph Embedding

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