Search Results for author: Taehyun Kim

Found 8 papers, 2 papers with code

MoNDE: Mixture of Near-Data Experts for Large-Scale Sparse Models

no code implementations29 May 2024 Taehyun Kim, Kwanseok Choi, Youngmock Cho, Jaehoon Cho, Hyuk-Jae Lee, Jaewoong Sim

Mixture-of-Experts (MoE) large language models (LLM) have memory requirements that often exceed the GPU memory capacity, requiring costly parameter movement from secondary memories to the GPU for expert computation.


Embrace Limited and Imperfect Training Datasets: Opportunities and Challenges in Plant Disease Recognition Using Deep Learning

no code implementations19 May 2023 Mingle Xu, Hyongsuk Kim, Jucheng Yang, Alvaro Fuentes, Yao Meng, Sook Yoon, Taehyun Kim, Dong Sun Park

We believe that our paper sheds light on the importance of embracing poor datasets, enhances the understanding of the associated challenges, and contributes to the ambitious objective of deploying deep learning in real-world applications.

Deep Learning

ComMU: Dataset for Combinatorial Music Generation

2 code implementations17 Nov 2022 Lee Hyun, Taehyun Kim, Hyolim Kang, Minjoo Ki, Hyeonchan Hwang, Kwanho Park, Sharang Han, Seon Joo Kim

Commercial adoption of automatic music composition requires the capability of generating diverse and high-quality music suitable for the desired context (e. g., music for romantic movies, action games, restaurants, etc.).

Music Generation

UBoCo: Unsupervised Boundary Contrastive Learning for Generic Event Boundary Detection

no code implementations CVPR 2022 Hyolim Kang, Jinwoo Kim, Taehyun Kim, Seon Joo Kim

Generic Event Boundary Detection (GEBD) is a newly suggested video understanding task that aims to find one level deeper semantic boundaries of events.

Boundary Detection Contrastive Learning +3

UBoCo : Unsupervised Boundary Contrastive Learning for Generic Event Boundary Detection

no code implementations29 Nov 2021 Hyolim Kang, Jinwoo Kim, Taehyun Kim, Seon Joo Kim

Generic Event Boundary Detection (GEBD) is a newly suggested video understanding task that aims to find one level deeper semantic boundaries of events.

Boundary Detection Contrastive Learning +3

Winning the CVPR'2021 Kinetics-GEBD Challenge: Contrastive Learning Approach

1 code implementation22 Jun 2021 Hyolim Kang, Jinwoo Kim, KyungMin Kim, Taehyun Kim, Seon Joo Kim

Generic Event Boundary Detection (GEBD) is a newly introduced task that aims to detect "general" event boundaries that correspond to natural human perception.

Boundary Detection Contrastive Learning +1

GradPIM: A Practical Processing-in-DRAM Architecture for Gradient Descent

no code implementations15 Feb 2021 Heesu Kim, Hanmin Park, Taehyun Kim, Kwanheum Cho, Eojin Lee, Soojung Ryu, Hyuk-Jae Lee, Kiyoung Choi, Jinho Lee

In this paper, we present GradPIM, a processing-in-memory architecture which accelerates parameter updates of deep neural networks training.

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