Search Results for author: Takayuki Katsuki

Found 7 papers, 0 papers with code

Regression with Sensor Data Containing Incomplete Observations

no code implementations26 Apr 2023 Takayuki Katsuki, Takayuki Osogami

This leads to a bias toward lower values in labels and the resultant learning because labels may have lower values due to incomplete observations, even if the actual magnitude of the phenomenon was high.


Cumulative Stay-time Representation for Electronic Health Records in Medical Event Time Prediction

no code implementations28 Apr 2022 Takayuki Katsuki, Kohei Miyaguchi, Akira Koseki, Toshiya Iwamori, Ryosuke Yanagiya, Atsushi Suzuki

The MET of non-communicable diseases like diabetes is highly correlated to cumulative health conditions, more specifically, how much time the patient spent with specific health conditions in the past.

Time Series Time Series Analysis

Variational Inference for Discriminative Learning with Generative Modeling of Feature Incompletion

no code implementations ICLR 2022 Kohei Miyaguchi, Takayuki Katsuki, Akira Koseki, Toshiya Iwamori

We are concerned with the problem of distributional prediction with incomplete features: The goal is to estimate the distribution of target variables given feature vectors with some of the elements missing.

Imputation Missing Values +2

Regression from Upper One-side Labeled Data

no code implementations1 Jan 2021 Takayuki Katsuki

We then derive a learning algorithm in an unbiased and consistent manner to ordinary regression that is learned from data labeled correctly in both upper- and lower-side cases.


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