no code implementations • 7 May 2022 • Hannah T. Rüdisser, Andreas Windisch, Ute V. Amerstorfer, Christian Möstl, Tanja Amerstorfer, Rachel L. Bailey, Martin A. Reiss
Additionally, it produced reasonable results on datasets with fewer features and smaller training sets from Wind, STEREO-A and STEREO-B with True Skill Statistics of 0. 56, 0. 57 and 0. 53, respectively.
no code implementations • 24 Feb 2021 • Johan L. Freiherr von Forstner, Mateja Dumbović, Christian Möstl, Jingnan Guo, Athanasios Papaioannou, Robert Elftmann, Zigong Xu, Jan Christoph Terasa, Alexander Kollhoff, Robert F. Wimmer-Schweingruber, Javier Rodríguez-Pacheco, Andreas J. Weiss, Jürgen Hinterreiter, Tanja Amerstorfer, Maike Bauer, Anatoly V. Belov, Maria A. Abunina, Timothy Horbury, Emma E. Davies, Helen O'Brien, Robert C. Allen, G. Bruce Andrews, Lars Berger, Sebastian Boden, Ignacio Cernuda Cangas, Sandra Eldrum, Francisco Espinosa Lara, Raúl Gómez Herrero, John R. Hayes, George C. Ho, Shrinivasrao R. Kulkarni, W. Jeffrey Lees, César Martín, Glenn M. Mason, Daniel Pacheco, Manuel Prieto Mateo, Ali Ravanbakhsh, Oscar Rodríguez Polo, Sebastián Sánchez Prieto, Charles E. Schlemm, Helmut Seifert, Kush Tyagi, Mahesh Yedla
The very slow (~350 km/s) stealth CME caused a FD with an amplitude of 3 % in the low-energy cosmic ray measurements at HET and 2 % in a comparable channel of the Cosmic Ray Telescope for the Effects of Radiation (CRaTER) on the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter, as well as a 1 % decrease in neutron monitor measurements.
Solar and Stellar Astrophysics Earth and Planetary Astrophysics Space Physics
1 code implementation • 29 Jul 2020 • Christian Möstl, Andreas J. Weiss, Rachel L. Bailey, Martin A. Reiss, Tanja Amerstorfer, Jürgen Hinterreiter, Maike Bauer, Scott W. McIntosh, Noé Lugaz, David Stansby
The Parker Solar Probe (PSP) and Solar Orbiter missions are designed to make groundbreaking observations of the Sun and interplanetary space within this decade.
Solar and Stellar Astrophysics Earth and Planetary Astrophysics Space Physics
2 code implementations • 2 Oct 2017 • Christian Möstl, Tanja Amerstorfer, Erika Palmerio, Alexey Isavnin, Charles J. Farrugia, Chris Lowder, Reka M. Winslow, Julia Donnerer, Emilia K. J. Kilpua, Peter D. Boakes
It combines a novel semi-empirical model of CME flux rope magnetic fields (3-Dimensional Coronal ROpe Ejection or 3DCORE) with solar observations and in situ magnetic field data from along the Sun-Earth line.
Solar and Stellar Astrophysics Earth and Planetary Astrophysics