no code implementations • 1 Jul 2023 • Tanya Veeravalli, Maxim Raginsky
The problem of function approximation by neural dynamical systems has typically been approached in a top-down manner: Any continuous function can be approximated to an arbitrary accuracy by a sufficiently complex model with a given architecture.
no code implementations • 1 Dec 2022 • Tanya Veeravalli, Maxim Raginsky
There has been a great deal of recent interest in learning and approximation of functions that can be expressed as expectations of a given nonlinearity with respect to its random internal parameters.
no code implementations • 8 Nov 2020 • Taha Ameen ur Rahman, Alton S. Barbehenn, Xinan Chen, Hassan Dbouk, James A. Douglas, Yuncong Geng, Ian George, John B. Harvill, Sung Woo Jeon, Kartik K. Kansal, Kiwook Lee, Kelly A. Levick, Bochao Li, Ziyue Li, Yashaswini Murthy, Adarsh Muthuveeru-Subramaniam, S. Yagiz Olmez, Matthew J. Tomei, Tanya Veeravalli, Xuechao Wang, Eric A. Wayman, Fan Wu, Peng Xu, Shen Yan, Heling Zhang, Yibo Zhang, Yifan Zhang, Yibo Zhao, Sourya Basu, Lav R. Varshney
Many information sources are not just sequences of distinguishable symbols but rather have invariances governed by alternative counting paradigms such as permutations, combinations, and partitions.
Information Theory Information Theory
no code implementations • 16 Oct 2019 • Ioannis C. Konstantakopoulos, Hari Prasanna Das, Andrew R. Barkan, Shiying He, Tanya Veeravalli, Huihan Liu, Aummul Baneen Manasawala, Yu-Wen Lin, Costas J. Spanos
In this paper, we propose a gamification approach as a novel framework for smart building infrastructure with the goal of motivating human occupants to reconsider personal energy usage and to have positive effects on their environment.
no code implementations • 5 Oct 2019 • Hari Prasanna Das, Ioannis C. Konstantakopoulos, Aummul Baneen Manasawala, Tanya Veeravalli, Huihan Liu, Costas J. Spanos
A number of such frameworks have been introduced over the years which formulate the energy saving process as a competitive game with appropriate incentives for energy efficient players.
no code implementations • 24 Oct 2018 • Hari Prasanna Das, Ioannis C. Konstantakopoulos, Aummul Baneen Manasawala, Tanya Veeravalli, Huihan Liu, Costas J. Spanos
A generalized gamification framework is introduced as a form of smart infrastructure with potential to improve sustainability and energy efficiency by leveraging humans-in-the-loop strategy.
no code implementations • 13 Sep 2018 • Ioannis C. Konstantakopoulos, Andrew R. Barkan, Shiying He, Tanya Veeravalli, Huihan Liu, Costas Spanos
We propose the design and implementation of a large-scale network game with the goal of improving the energy efficiency of a building through the utilization of cutting-edge Internet of Things (IoT) sensors and cyber-physical systems sensing/actuation platforms.