Search Results for author: Tao Shan

Found 9 papers, 1 papers with code

Study on a Fast Solver for Combined Field Integral Equations of 3D Conducting Bodies Based on Graph Neural Networks

1 code implementation17 Jan 2025 Tao Shan, Xin Zhang, Di wu

In this paper, we present a graph neural networks (GNNs)-based fast solver (GraphSolver) for solving combined field integral equations (CFIEs) of 3D conducting bodies.

Multi-frequency Neural Born Iterative Method for Solving 2-D Inverse Scattering Problems

no code implementations2 Sep 2024 Daoqi Liu, Tao Shan, Maokun Li, Fan Yang, Shenheng Xu

The multi-frequency NeuralBIM method explores a novel inversion method for multi-frequency EM data and provides an effective solution for the electromagnetic ISP of multi-frequency data.

Computational Efficiency

Monte-Carlo Integration Based Multiple-Scattering Channel Modeling for Ultraviolet Communications in Turbulent Atmosphere

no code implementations6 Jun 2024 Renzhi Yuan, Xinyi Chu, Tao Shan, Mugen Peng

Existing works on the turbulent channel modeling for NLOS UV communications either ignored the turbulence-induced scattering effect or erroneously estimated the turbulent fluctuation effect, resulting in a contradiction with reported experiments.

Neural Born Iteration Method For Solving Inverse Scattering Problems: 2D Cases

no code implementations18 Dec 2021 Tao Shan, Zhichao Lin, Xiaoqian Song, Maokun Li, Fan Yang, Zhensheng Xu

In this paper, we propose the neural Born iterative method (NeuralBIM) for solving 2D inverse scattering problems (ISPs) by drawing on the scheme of physics-informed supervised residual learning (PhiSRL) to emulate the computing process of the traditional Born iterative method (TBIM).

Automatic Arm Motion Recognition Based on Radar Micro-Doppler Signature Envelopes

no code implementations23 Oct 2019 Zhengxin Zeng, Moeness Amin, Tao Shan

In considering human-machine interface (HMI) for smart environment, a simple but effective method is proposed for automatic arm motion recognition with a Doppler radar sensor.

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