Search Results for author: Tao Xie

Found 35 papers, 19 papers with code

PSE-Net: Channel Pruning for Convolutional Neural Networks with Parallel-subnets Estimator

no code implementations29 Aug 2024 Shiguang Wang, Tao Xie, Haijun Liu, Xingcheng Zhang, Jian Cheng

Channel Pruning is one of the most widespread techniques used to compress deep neural networks while maintaining their performances.

Neural Architecture Search

SWE-bench-java: A GitHub Issue Resolving Benchmark for Java

2 code implementations26 Aug 2024 Daoguang Zan, Zhirong Huang, Ailun Yu, Shaoxin Lin, Yifan Shi, Wei Liu, Dong Chen, Zongshuai Qi, Hao Yu, Lei Yu, Dezhi Ran, Muhan Zeng, Bo Shen, Pan Bian, Guangtai Liang, Bei guan, Pengjie Huang, Tao Xie, Yongji Wang, Qianxiang Wang

GitHub issue resolving is a critical task in software engineering, recently gaining significant attention in both industry and academia.

L^2CL: Embarrassingly Simple Layer-to-Layer Contrastive Learning for Graph Collaborative Filtering

1 code implementation19 Jul 2024 Xinzhou Jin, Jintang Li, Liang Chen, Chenyun Yu, Yuanzhen Xie, Tao Xie, Chengxiang Zhuo, Zang Li, Zibin Zheng

Surprisingly, we find that L2CL, using only one-hop contrastive learning paradigm, is able to capture intrinsic semantic structures and improve the quality of node representation, leading to a simple yet effective architecture.

Collaborative Filtering Contrastive Learning +1

QVD: Post-training Quantization for Video Diffusion Models

no code implementations16 Jul 2024 Shilong Tian, Hong Chen, Chengtao Lv, Yu Liu, Jinyang Guo, Xianglong Liu, Shengxi Li, Hao Yang, Tao Xie

Furthermore, we investigate significant inter-channel disparities and asymmetries in the activation of video diffusion models, resulting in low coverage of quantization levels by individual channels and increasing the challenge of quantization.

Computational Efficiency Quantization

Foundation Model Engineering: Engineering Foundation Models Just as Engineering Software

no code implementations11 Jul 2024 Dezhi Ran, Mengzhou Wu, Wei Yang, Tao Xie

By treating data and models as the source code, Foundation Models (FMs) become a new type of software.


MESIA: Understanding and Leveraging Supplementary Nature of Method-level Comments for Automatic Comment Generation

1 code implementation26 Mar 2024 Xinglu Pan, Chenxiao Liu, Yanzhen Zou, Tao Xie, Bing Xie

In this paper, we raise the awareness of the supplementary nature of method-level comments and propose a new metric named MESIA (Mean Supplementary Information Amount) to assess the extent of supplementary information that a code comment can provide.

Comment Generation

InfiBench: Evaluating the Question-Answering Capabilities of Code Large Language Models

2 code implementations11 Mar 2024 Linyi Li, Shijie Geng, Zhenwen Li, Yibo He, Hao Yu, Ziyue Hua, Guanghan Ning, Siwei Wang, Tao Xie, Hongxia Yang

We conduct a systematic evaluation for over 100 latest code LLMs on InfiBench, leading to a series of novel and insightful findings.

Code Generation HumanEval +1

Decomposition for Enhancing Attention: Improving LLM-based Text-to-SQL through Workflow Paradigm

1 code implementation16 Feb 2024 Yuanzhen Xie, Xinzhou Jin, Tao Xie, Mingxiong Lin, Liang Chen, Chenyun Yu, Lei Cheng, Chengxiang Zhuo, Bo Hu, Zang Li

To improve the contextual learning capabilities of LLMs in text-to-SQL, a workflow paradigm method is proposed, aiming to enhance the attention and problem-solving scope of LLMs through decomposition.

Active Learning In-Context Learning +1

Using LLM to select the right SQL Query from candidates

no code implementations4 Jan 2024 Zhenwen Li, Tao Xie

We propose an automatic test case generation method that first generates a database and then uses LLMs to predict the ground truth, which is the expected execution results of the ground truth SQL query on this database.

Code Generation Text-To-SQL

Data Transformation to Construct a Dataset for Generating Entity-Relationship Model from Natural Language

no code implementations21 Dec 2023 Zhenwen Li, Jian-Guang Lou, Tao Xie

To address this issue, in this paper, we report our insight that there exists a high similarity between the task of NL2ERM and the increasingly popular task of text-to-SQL, and propose a data transformation algorithm that transforms the existing data of text-to-SQL into the data of NL2ERM.


EasyVolcap: Accelerating Neural Volumetric Video Research

1 code implementation11 Dec 2023 Zhen Xu, Tao Xie, Sida Peng, Haotong Lin, Qing Shuai, Zhiyuan Yu, Guangzhao He, Jiaming Sun, Hujun Bao, Xiaowei Zhou

Volumetric video is a technology that digitally records dynamic events such as artistic performances, sporting events, and remote conversations.

FMRT: Learning Accurate Feature Matching with Reconciliatory Transformer

no code implementations20 Oct 2023 Xinyu Zhang, Li Wang, Zhiqiang Jiang, Kun Dai, Tao Xie, Lei Yang, Wenhao Yu, Yang shen, Jun Li

However, these methods only integrate long-range context information among keypoints with a fixed receptive field, which constrains the network from reconciling the importance of features with different receptive fields to realize complete image perception, hence limiting the matching accuracy.

Homography Estimation Pose Estimation +1

OFVL-MS: Once for Visual Localization across Multiple Indoor Scenes

1 code implementation ICCV 2023 Tao Xie, Kun Dai, Siyi Lu, Ke Wang, Zhiqiang Jiang, Jinghan Gao, Dedong Liu, Jie Xu, Lijun Zhao, Ruifeng Li

In this work, we seek to predict camera poses across scenes with a multi-task learning manner, where we view the localization of each scene as a new task.

Multi-Task Learning Visual Localization

OlaGPT: Empowering LLMs With Human-like Problem-Solving Abilities

no code implementations23 May 2023 Yuanzhen Xie, Tao Xie, Mingxiong Lin, WenTao Wei, Chenglin Li, Beibei Kong, Lei Chen, Chengxiang Zhuo, Bo Hu, Zang Li

At present, most approaches focus on chains of thought (COT) and tool use, without considering the adoption and application of human cognitive frameworks.

Active Learning Decision Making +1

Reliability Assurance for Deep Neural Network Architectures Against Numerical Defects

1 code implementation13 Feb 2023 Linyi Li, Yuhao Zhang, Luyao Ren, Yingfei Xiong, Tao Xie

To assure high reliability against numerical defects, in this paper, we propose the RANUM approach including novel techniques for three reliability assurance tasks: detection of potential numerical defects, confirmation of potential-defect feasibility, and suggestion of defect fixes.

DeepMatcher: A Deep Transformer-based Network for Robust and Accurate Local Feature Matching

1 code implementation8 Jan 2023 Tao Xie, Kun Dai, Ke Wang, Ruifeng Li, Lijun Zhao

In this work, we propose DeepMatcher, a deep Transformer-based network built upon our investigation of local feature matching in detector-free methods.

CO-Net: Learning Multiple Point Cloud Tasks at Once with A Cohesive Network

no code implementations ICCV 2023 Tao Xie, Ke Wang, Siyi Lu, Yukun Zhang, Kun Dai, Xiaoyu Li, Jie Xu, Li Wang, Lijun Zhao, Xinyu Zhang, Ruifeng Li

Finally, we propose a sign-based gradient surgery to promote the training of CO-Net, thereby emphasizing the usage of task-shared parameters and guaranteeing that each task can be thoroughly optimized.

Incremental Learning Multi-Task Learning

Poly-PC: A Polyhedral Network for Multiple Point Cloud Tasks at Once

no code implementations CVPR 2023 Tao Xie, Shiguang Wang, Ke Wang, Linqi Yang, Zhiqiang Jiang, Xingcheng Zhang, Kun Dai, Ruifeng Li, Jian Cheng

In this work, we show that it is feasible to perform multiple tasks concurrently on point cloud with a straightforward yet effective multi-task network.

Incremental Learning Multi-Task Learning

MDL-NAS: A Joint Multi-Domain Learning Framework for Vision Transformer

no code implementations CVPR 2023 Shiguang Wang, Tao Xie, Jian Cheng, Xingcheng Zhang, Haijun Liu

Technically, MDL-NAS constructs a coarse-to-fine search space, where the coarse search space offers various optimal architectures for different tasks while the fine search space provides fine-grained parameter sharing to tackle the inherent obstacles of multi-domain learning.

Image Classification Incremental Learning

Double Sampling Randomized Smoothing

2 code implementations16 Jun 2022 Linyi Li, Jiawei Zhang, Tao Xie, Bo Li

To overcome this hurdle, we propose a Double Sampling Randomized Smoothing (DSRS) framework, which exploits the sampled probability from an additional smoothing distribution to tighten the robustness certification of the previous smoothed classifier.

On the Certified Robustness for Ensemble Models and Beyond

no code implementations ICLR 2022 Zhuolin Yang, Linyi Li, Xiaojun Xu, Bhavya Kailkhura, Tao Xie, Bo Li

Thus, to explore the conditions that guarantee to provide certifiably robust ensemble ML models, we first prove that diversified gradient and large confidence margin are sufficient and necessary conditions for certifiably robust ensemble models under the model-smoothness assumption.

SoK: Certified Robustness for Deep Neural Networks

2 code implementations9 Sep 2020 Linyi Li, Tao Xie, Bo Li

Great advances in deep neural networks (DNNs) have led to state-of-the-art performance on a wide range of tasks.

Autonomous Driving

Adversarial Attack on Large Scale Graph

1 code implementation8 Sep 2020 Jintang Li, Tao Xie, Liang Chen, Fenfang Xie, Xiangnan He, Zibin Zheng

Currently, most works on attacking GNNs are mainly using gradient information to guide the attack and achieve outstanding performance.

Adversarial Attack

Understanding Challenges in Deploying Deep Learning Based Software: An Empirical Study

no code implementations2 May 2020 Zhenpeng Chen, Yanbin Cao, Yuanqiang Liu, Haoyu Wang, Tao Xie, Xuanzhe Liu

Deep learning (DL) becomes increasingly pervasive, being used in a wide range of software applications.

Software Engineering

A Survey of Adversarial Learning on Graphs

2 code implementations10 Mar 2020 Liang Chen, Jintang Li, Jiaying Peng, Tao Xie, Zengxu Cao, Kun Xu, Xiangnan He, Zibin Zheng, Bingzhe Wu

To bridge this gap, we investigate and summarize the existing works on graph adversarial learning tasks systemically.

Clustering Graph Clustering +3

TSS: Transformation-Specific Smoothing for Robustness Certification

1 code implementation27 Feb 2020 Linyi Li, Maurice Weber, Xiaojun Xu, Luka Rimanic, Bhavya Kailkhura, Tao Xie, Ce Zhang, Bo Li

Moreover, to the best of our knowledge, TSS is the first approach that achieves nontrivial certified robustness on the large-scale ImageNet dataset.

MULDEF: Multi-model-based Defense Against Adversarial Examples for Neural Networks

no code implementations31 Aug 2018 Siwakorn Srisakaokul, Yuhao Zhang, Zexuan Zhong, Wei Yang, Tao Xie, Bo Li

In particular, given a target model, our framework includes multiple models (constructed from the target model) to form a model family.


Testing Untestable Neural Machine Translation: An Industrial Case

no code implementations6 Jul 2018 Wujie Zheng, Wenyu Wang, Dian Liu, Changrong Zhang, Qinsong Zeng, Yuetang Deng, Wei Yang, Pinjia He, Tao Xie

To fill the gap of lacking test oracle for in-vivo testing of an NMT system, in this paper, we propose a new approach for automatically identifying translation failures, without requiring reference translations for a translation task; our approach can directly serve as a test oracle for in-vivo testing.

Machine Translation NMT +2

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no code implementations27 Nov 2013 Yuan Yao, Hanghang Tong, Tao Xie, Leman Akoglu, Feng Xu, Jian Lu

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