Search Results for author: Tao Xue

Found 7 papers, 2 papers with code

The Role of Transformer Models in Advancing Blockchain Technology: A Systematic Survey

no code implementations2 Sep 2024 Tianxu Liu, Yanbin Wang, Jianguo Sun, Ye Tian, Yanyu Huang, Tao Xue, Peiyue Li, Yiwei Liu

As blockchain technology rapidly evolves, the demand for enhanced efficiency, security, and scalability grows. Transformer models, as powerful deep learning architectures, have shown unprecedented potential in addressing various blockchain challenges.

Anomaly Detection

Edge Computing for IoT: Novel Insights from a Comparative Analysis of Access Control Models

no code implementations13 May 2024 Tao Xue, Ying Zhang, Yanbin Wang, Wenbo Wang, Shuailou Li, Haibin Zhang

IoT edge computing positions computing resources closer to the data sources to reduce the latency, relieve the bandwidth pressure on the cloud, and enhance data security.

Autonomous Vehicles Cloud Computing +1

Visual Traffic Knowledge Graph Generation from Scene Images

no code implementations ICCV 2023 Yunfei Guo, Fei Yin, Xiao-Hui Li, Xudong Yan, Tao Xue, Shuqi Mei, Cheng-Lin Liu

Although previous works on traffic scene understanding have achieved great success, most of them stop at a lowlevel perception stage, such as road segmentation and lane detection, and few concern high-level understanding.

Graph Attention Graph Generation +4

Preliminary Design of a FADC Readout System for the Alpha/Beta Discrimination in a Large Area Plastic Scintillation Detector

no code implementations27 Oct 2020 Jingjun Wen, Daowei Dou, Jinfu Zhu, Zhi Zeng, Tao Xue, Jianmin Li, Junli Li, Yinong Liu

This paper describes a FADC Readout system developed for the tap water $\alpha/\beta$ dose monitoring system which is based on EJ444 phoswich scintillation detector and wavelength shifting fiber readout.

Instrumentation and Detectors

Unbiased Auxiliary Classifier GANs with MINE

1 code implementation13 Jun 2020 Ligong Han, Anastasis Stathopoulos, Tao Xue, Dimitris Metaxas

To remedy this, Twin Auxiliary Classifier GAN (TAC-GAN) introduces a twin classifier to the min-max game.

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