Search Results for author: Tao Zhuang

Found 15 papers, 5 papers with code

Deep Learning-Based Approach for Identification and Compensation of Nonlinear Distortions in Parametric Array Loudspeakers

no code implementations2 Dec 2024 Mengtong Li, Tao Zhuang, Kai Chen, Jia-Xin Zhong, Jing Lu

Compared to traditional electrodynamic loudspeakers, the parametric array loudspeaker (PAL) offers exceptional directivity for audio applications but suffers from significant nonlinear distortions due to its inherent intricate demodulation process.

The feasibility of sound zone control using an array of parametric array loudspeakers

no code implementations14 Jul 2024 Tao Zhuang, Jia-Xin Zhong, Jing Lu

The performance and robustness of the proposed ACC-based SZC using PAL arrays are investigated through simulations, and the results are compared with those obtained using EDL arrays.

Multi-factor Sequential Re-ranking with Perception-Aware Diversification

no code implementations21 May 2023 Yue Xu, Hao Chen, Zefan Wang, Jianwen Yin, Qijie Shen, Dimin Wang, Feiran Huang, Lixiang Lai, Tao Zhuang, Junfeng Ge, Xia Hu

Feed recommendation systems, which recommend a sequence of items for users to browse and interact with, have gained significant popularity in practical applications.

Diversity Graph Clustering +2

Multi-channel Integrated Recommendation with Exposure Constraints

no code implementations21 May 2023 Yue Xu, Qijie Shen, Jianwen Yin, Zengde Deng, Dimin Wang, Hao Chen, Lixiang Lai, Tao Zhuang, Junfeng Ge

Integrated recommendation, which aims at jointly recommending heterogeneous items from different channels in a main feed, has been widely applied to various online platforms.

Recommendation Systems

Entire Space Learning Framework: Unbias Conversion Rate Prediction in Full Stages of Recommender System

no code implementations1 Mar 2023 Shanshan Lyu, Qiwei Chen, Tao Zhuang, Junfeng Ge

Although existing methods ESMM and ESM2 train with all impression samples over the entire space by modeling user behavior paths, SSB and DS problems still exist.

Recommendation Systems Selection bias

MAKE: Vision-Language Pre-training based Product Retrieval in Taobao Search

no code implementations30 Jan 2023 Xiaoyang Zheng, Zilong Wang, Ke Xu, Sen Li, Tao Zhuang, Qingwen Liu, Xiaoyi Zeng

Given a user query, the retrieval phase returns a subset of candidate products for the following ranking phase.


Hierarchical Multi-Interest Co-Network For Coarse-Grained Ranking

no code implementations19 Oct 2022 Xu Yuan, Chen Xu, Qiwei Chen, Tao Zhuang, Hongjie Chen, Chao Li, Junfeng Ge

This paper proposes a Hierarchical Multi-Interest Co-Network (HCN) to capture users' diverse interests in the coarse-grained ranking stage.

Multi-Objective Personalized Product Retrieval in Taobao Search

no code implementations9 Oct 2022 Yukun Zheng, Jiang Bian, Guanghao Meng, Chao Zhang, Honggang Wang, Zhixuan Zhang, Sen Li, Tao Zhuang, Qingwen Liu, Xiaoyi Zeng

These problems promote us to further strengthen the capabilities of our EBR model in both relevance estimation and personalized retrieval.

Collaborative Filtering Retrieval

Efficient Long Sequential User Data Modeling for Click-Through Rate Prediction

2 code implementations25 Sep 2022 Qiwei Chen, Yue Xu, Changhua Pei, Shanshan Lv, Tao Zhuang, Junfeng Ge

The results verify that the proposed model outperforms existing CTR models considerably, in terms of both CTR prediction performance and online cost-efficiency.

Click-Through Rate Prediction Recommendation Systems +1

Modeling Users' Contextualized Page-wise Feedback for Click-Through Rate Prediction in E-commerce Search

1 code implementation29 Mar 2022 Zhifang Fan, Dan Ou, Yulong Gu, Bairan Fu, Xiang Li, Wentian Bao, Xin-yu Dai, Xiaoyi Zeng, Tao Zhuang, Qingwen Liu

In this paper, we propose a new perspective for context-aware users' behavior modeling by including the whole page-wisely exposed products and the corresponding feedback as contextualized page-wise feedback sequence.

Click-Through Rate Prediction Denoising

IHGNN: Interactive Hypergraph Neural Network for Personalized Product Search

1 code implementation10 Feb 2022 Dian Cheng, Jiawei Chen, Wenjun Peng, Wenqin Ye, Fuyu Lv, Tao Zhuang, Xiaoyi Zeng, Xiangnan He

On this basis, we develop a specific interactive hypergraph neural network to explicitly encode the structure information (i. e., collaborative signal) into the embedding process.

Representation Learning

Capturing Delayed Feedback in Conversion Rate Prediction via Elapsed-Time Sampling

1 code implementation6 Dec 2020 Jia-Qi Yang, Xiang Li, Shuguang Han, Tao Zhuang, De-Chuan Zhan, Xiaoyi Zeng, Bin Tong

To strike a balance in this trade-off, we propose Elapsed-Time Sampling Delayed Feedback Model (ES-DFM), which models the relationship between the observed conversion distribution and the true conversion distribution.

Neuron-level Structured Pruning using Polarization Regularizer

1 code implementation NeurIPS 2020 Tao Zhuang, Zhixuan Zhang, Yuheng Huang, Xiaoyi Zeng, Kai Shuang, Xiang Li

Experimentally, we show that structured pruning using polarization regularizer achieves much better results than using L1 regularizer.

Domain Adaptation for Syntactic and Semantic Dependency Parsing Using Deep Belief Networks

no code implementations TACL 2015 Haitong Yang, Tao Zhuang, Cheng-qing Zong

Experiments on English data in the CoNLL 2009 shared task show that our method largely reduced the performance drop on out-of-domain test data.

Dependency Parsing Diversity +2

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