Search Results for author: Taolin Zhang

Found 21 papers, 14 papers with code

Attribution Analysis Meets Model Editing: Advancing Knowledge Correction in Vision Language Models with VisEdit

no code implementations19 Aug 2024 Qizhou Chen, Taolin Zhang, Chengyu Wang, Xiaofeng He, Dakan Wang, Tingting Liu

Recent research discovered that the mid-layer representation of the subject's final token in a prompt has a strong influence on factual predictions, and developed Large Language Model (LLM) editing techniques based on this observation.

Decoder Language Modelling +2

Multimodal Label Relevance Ranking via Reinforcement Learning

1 code implementation18 Jul 2024 Taian Guo, Taolin Zhang, Haoqian Wu, Hanjun Li, Ruizhi Qiao, Xing Sun

Conventional multi-label recognition methods often focus on label confidence, frequently overlooking the pivotal role of partial order relations consistent with human preference.

reinforcement-learning Reinforcement Learning

Parameter-Efficient and Memory-Efficient Tuning for Vision Transformer: A Disentangled Approach

1 code implementation9 Jul 2024 Taolin Zhang, Jiawang Bai, Zhihe Lu, Dongze Lian, Genping Wang, Xinchao Wang, Shu-Tao Xia

The synthesized query equipped with task-specific knowledge serves to extract the useful features for downstream tasks from the intermediate representations of the pre-trained model in a query-only manner.

Transfer Learning

KEHRL: Learning Knowledge-Enhanced Language Representations with Hierarchical Reinforcement Learning

1 code implementation24 Jun 2024 Dongyang Li, Taolin Zhang, Longtao Huang, Chengyu Wang, Xiaofeng He, Hui Xue

Knowledge-enhanced pre-trained language models (KEPLMs) leverage relation triples from knowledge graphs (KGs) and integrate these external data sources into language models via self-supervised learning.

Hierarchical Reinforcement Learning Knowledge Graphs +5

UniPSDA: Unsupervised Pseudo Semantic Data Augmentation for Zero-Shot Cross-Lingual Natural Language Understanding

1 code implementation24 Jun 2024 Dongyang Li, Taolin Zhang, Jiali Deng, Longtao Huang, Chengyu Wang, Xiaofeng He, Hui Xue

Specifically, to retrieve the tokens with similar meanings for the semantic data augmentation across different languages, we propose a sequential clustering process in 3 stages: within a single language, across multiple languages of a language family, and across languages from multiple language families.

Data Augmentation Natural Language Understanding +2

On the Role of Long-tail Knowledge in Retrieval Augmented Large Language Models

no code implementations24 Jun 2024 Dongyang Li, Junbing Yan, Taolin Zhang, Chengyu Wang, Xiaofeng He, Longtao Huang, Hui Xue, Jun Huang

Retrieval augmented generation (RAG) exhibits outstanding performance in promoting the knowledge capabilities of large language models (LLMs) with retrieved documents related to user queries.

RAG Retrieval +1

DAFNet: Dynamic Auxiliary Fusion for Sequential Model Editing in Large Language Models

1 code implementation31 May 2024 Taolin Zhang, Qizhou Chen, Dongyang Li, Chengyu Wang, Xiaofeng He, Longtao Huang, Hui Xue, Jun Huang

(2) Considering that auxiliary parameters are required to store the knowledge for sequential editing, we construct a new dataset named \textbf{DAFSet}, fulfilling recent, popular, long-tail and robust properties to enhance the generality of sequential editing.

Hallucination Model Editing

Lifelong Knowledge Editing for LLMs with Retrieval-Augmented Continuous Prompt Learning

1 code implementation6 May 2024 Qizhou Chen, Taolin Zhang, Xiaofeng He, Dongyang Li, Chengyu Wang, Longtao Huang, Hui Xue

Model editing aims to correct outdated or erroneous knowledge in large language models (LLMs) without the need for costly retraining.

knowledge editing Retrieval

R4: Reinforced Retriever-Reorder-Responder for Retrieval-Augmented Large Language Models

no code implementations4 May 2024 Taolin Zhang, Dongyang Li, Qizhou Chen, Chengyu Wang, Longtao Huang, Hui Xue, Xiaofeng He, Jun Huang

The reordering learning process is divided into two steps according to the quality of the generated responses: document order adjustment and document representation enhancement.

Graph Attention Hallucination +5

CIDR: A Cooperative Integrated Dynamic Refining Method for Minimal Feature Removal Problem

1 code implementation13 Dec 2023 Qian Chen, Taolin Zhang, Dongyang Li, Xiaofeng He

The minimal feature removal problem in the post-hoc explanation area aims to identify the minimal feature set (MFS).

From Complex to Simple: Unraveling the Cognitive Tree for Reasoning with Small Language Models

no code implementations12 Nov 2023 Junbing Yan, Chengyu Wang, Taolin Zhang, Xiaofeng He, Jun Huang, Wei zhang

Reasoning is a distinctive human capacity, enabling us to address complex problems by breaking them down into a series of manageable cognitive steps.

Language Modelling Logical Reasoning

Learning Knowledge-Enhanced Contextual Language Representations for Domain Natural Language Understanding

no code implementations12 Nov 2023 Ruyao Xu, Taolin Zhang, Chengyu Wang, Zhongjie Duan, Cen Chen, Minghui Qiu, Dawei Cheng, Xiaofeng He, Weining Qian

In the experiments, we evaluate KANGAROO over various knowledge-aware and general NLP tasks in both full and few-shot learning settings, outperforming various KEPLM training paradigms performance in closed-domains significantly.

Contrastive Learning Data Augmentation +4

Vision-Language Pre-training with Object Contrastive Learning for 3D Scene Understanding

no code implementations18 May 2023 Taolin Zhang, Sunan He, Dai Tao, Bin Chen, Zhi Wang, Shu-Tao Xia

In recent years, vision language pre-training frameworks have made significant progress in natural language processing and computer vision, achieving remarkable performance improvement on various downstream tasks.

Contrastive Learning Object +2

Revisiting and Advancing Chinese Natural Language Understanding with Accelerated Heterogeneous Knowledge Pre-training

1 code implementation11 Oct 2022 Taolin Zhang, Junwei DOng, Jianing Wang, Chengyu Wang, Ang Wang, Yinghui Liu, Jun Huang, Yong Li, Xiaofeng He

Recently, knowledge-enhanced pre-trained language models (KEPLMs) improve context-aware representations via learning from structured relations in knowledge graphs, and/or linguistic knowledge from syntactic or dependency analysis.

Knowledge Graphs Language Modelling +2

FedEgo: Privacy-preserving Personalized Federated Graph Learning with Ego-graphs

1 code implementation29 Aug 2022 Taolin Zhang, Chuan Chen, Yaomin Chang, Lin Shu, Zibin Zheng

As special information carriers containing both structure and feature information, graphs are widely used in graph mining, e. g., Graph Neural Networks (GNNs).

Federated Learning Graph Learning +2

HiCLRE: A Hierarchical Contrastive Learning Framework for Distantly Supervised Relation Extraction

1 code implementation Findings (ACL) 2022 Dongyang Li, Taolin Zhang, Nan Hu, Chengyu Wang, Xiaofeng He

In this paper, we propose a hierarchical contrastive learning Framework for Distantly Supervised relation extraction (HiCLRE) to reduce noisy sentences, which integrate the global structural information and local fine-grained interaction.

Contrastive Learning Data Augmentation +3

DKPLM: Decomposable Knowledge-enhanced Pre-trained Language Model for Natural Language Understanding

1 code implementation2 Dec 2021 Taolin Zhang, Chengyu Wang, Nan Hu, Minghui Qiu, Chengguang Tang, Xiaofeng He, Jun Huang

Knowledge-Enhanced Pre-trained Language Models (KEPLMs) are pre-trained models with relation triples injecting from knowledge graphs to improve language understanding abilities.

Knowledge Graphs Knowledge Probing +3

SMedBERT: A Knowledge-Enhanced Pre-trained Language Model with Structured Semantics for Medical Text Mining

2 code implementations ACL 2021 Taolin Zhang, Zerui Cai, Chengyu Wang, Minghui Qiu, Bite Yang, Xiaofeng He

Recently, the performance of Pre-trained Language Models (PLMs) has been significantly improved by injecting knowledge facts to enhance their abilities of language understanding.

Language Modelling Natural Language Inference +1

Knowledge-Empowered Representation Learning for Chinese Medical Reading Comprehension: Task, Model and Resources

1 code implementation Findings (ACL) 2021 Taolin Zhang, Chengyu Wang, Minghui Qiu, Bite Yang, Xiaofeng He, Jun Huang

In this paper, we introduce a multi-target MRC task for the medical domain, whose goal is to predict answers to medical questions and the corresponding support sentences from medical information sources simultaneously, in order to ensure the high reliability of medical knowledge serving.

Machine Reading Comprehension Multi-Task Learning +1

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