Search Results for author: Taro Toyoizumi

Found 14 papers, 4 papers with code

Modeling flexible behaviour by the interactions between hippocampus and cortex

no code implementations20 Jul 2024 Yoshiki Ito, Taro Toyoizumi

Here, we employ interacting sequential and context-inference modules to drive model-based learning as a means to better understand experimental neuronal activity data, lesion studies, and clinical research.

Hippocampus Model-based Reinforcement Learning +1

A provable control of sensitivity of neural networks through a direct parameterization of the overall bi-Lipschitzness

1 code implementation15 Apr 2024 Yuri Kinoshita, Taro Toyoizumi

While neural networks can enjoy an outstanding flexibility and exhibit unprecedented performance, the mechanism behind their behavior is still not well-understood.

Inductive Bias

Causal Graph in Language Model Rediscovers Cortical Hierarchy in Human Narrative Processing

no code implementations17 Nov 2023 Zhengqi He, Taro Toyoizumi

These models have proven to be invaluable tools for studying another complex system known to process human language: the brain.

Language Modeling Language Modelling

Computational role of sleep in memory reorganization

no code implementations6 Apr 2023 Kensuke Yoshida, Taro Toyoizumi

Here, we review recent theoretical approaches investigating their roles in learning and discuss the possibility that non-rapid eye movement (NREM) sleep selectively consolidates memory, and rapid eye movement (REM) sleep reorganizes the representations of memories.

A Hopfield-like model with complementary encodings of memories

no code implementations9 Feb 2023 Louis Kang, Taro Toyoizumi

We obtain our results by deriving macroscopic mean-field equations that yield capacity formulas for sparse examples, dense examples, and dense concepts.


Spontaneous Emerging Preference in Two-tower Language Model

no code implementations13 Oct 2022 Zhengqi He, Taro Toyoizumi

With the existence of side-effects brought about by the large size of the foundation language model such as deployment cost, availability issues, and environmental cost, there is some interest in exploring other possible directions, such as a divide-and-conquer scheme.

Language Modeling Language Modelling +1

An economic decision-making model of anticipated surprise with dynamic expectation

no code implementations27 Aug 2021 Ho Ka Chan, Taro Toyoizumi

When making decisions under risk, people often exhibit behaviors that classical economic theories cannot explain.

Decision Making

Progressive Interpretation Synthesis: Interpreting Task Solving by Quantifying Previously Used and Unused Information

no code implementations8 Jan 2021 Zhengqi He, Taro Toyoizumi

We look at this problem from a new perspective where the interpretation of task solving is synthesized by quantifying how much and what previously unused information is exploited in addition to the information used to solve previous tasks.

Dimensionality reduction to maximize prediction generalization capability

1 code implementation1 Mar 2020 Takuya Isomura, Taro Toyoizumi

Generalization of time series prediction remains an important open issue in machine learning, wherein earlier methods have either large generalization error or local minima.

Dimensionality Reduction Time Series +1

Learning poly-synaptic paths with traveling waves

1 code implementation30 Nov 2019 Yoshiki Ito, Taro Toyoizumi

Traveling waves are commonly observed across the brain.

On the achievability of blind source separation for high-dimensional nonlinear source mixtures

1 code implementation2 Aug 2018 Takuya Isomura, Taro Toyoizumi

This work theoretically validates that a cascade of linear PCA and ICA can solve a nonlinear BSS problem accurately -- when the sensory inputs are generated from hidden sources via nonlinear mappings with sufficient dimensionality.

blind source separation

Reinforced stochastic gradient descent for deep neural network learning

no code implementations27 Jan 2017 Haiping Huang, Taro Toyoizumi

Therefore, it is highly desirable to design an efficient algorithm to escape from these saddle points and reach a parameter region of better generalization capabilities.

Unsupervised feature learning from finite data by message passing: discontinuous versus continuous phase transition

no code implementations12 Aug 2016 Haiping Huang, Taro Toyoizumi

This study deepens our understanding of unsupervised learning from a finite number of data, and may provide insights into its role in training deep networks.

Advanced Mean Field Theory of Restricted Boltzmann Machine

no code implementations1 Feb 2015 Haiping Huang, Taro Toyoizumi

Learning in restricted Boltzmann machine is typically hard due to the computation of gradients of log-likelihood function.

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