Search Results for author: Tatiana Kalganova

Found 12 papers, 3 papers with code

A Dataset Fusion Algorithm for Generalised Anomaly Detection in Homogeneous Periodic Time Series Datasets

no code implementations14 May 2023 Ayman Elhalwagy, Tatiana Kalganova

In a commercial environment, however, generalisation can effectively utilise available data and computational power, which is essential in the context of Green AI, the sustainable development of AI models.

Anomaly Detection Computational Efficiency +1

Herder Ants: Ant Colony Optimization with Aphids for Discrete Event-Triggered Dynamic Optimization Problems

no code implementations15 Apr 2023 Jonas Skackauskas, Tatiana Kalganova

Currently available dynamic optimization strategies for Ant Colony Optimization (ACO) algorithm offer a trade-off of slower algorithm convergence or significant penalty to solution quality after each dynamic change occurs.

Hybridization of Capsule and LSTM Networks for unsupervised anomaly detection on multivariate data

no code implementations11 Feb 2022 Ayman Elhalwagy, Tatiana Kalganova

Additionally, results also show that the branched input models can learn multivariate data more consistently with or without Capsules in comparison to the non-branched input models.

Change Point Detection Outlier Detection +3

Class Density and Dataset Quality in High-Dimensional, Unstructured Data

no code implementations8 Feb 2022 Adam Byerly, Tatiana Kalganova

We provide a definition for class density that can be used to measure the aggregate similarity of the samples within each of the classes in a high-dimensional, unstructured dataset.

Vocal Bursts Intensity Prediction

Towards an Analytical Definition of Sufficient Data

no code implementations7 Feb 2022 Adam Byerly, Tatiana Kalganova

We show that, for each of five datasets of increasing complexity, certain training samples are more informative of class membership than others.


On the Importance of Capturing a Sufficient Diversity of Perspective for the Classification of micro-PCBs

1 code implementation27 Jan 2021 Adam Byerly, Tatiana Kalganova, Anthony J. Grichnik

We present a dataset consisting of high-resolution images of 13 micro-PCBs captured in various rotations and perspectives relative to the camera, with each sample labeled for PCB type, rotation category, and perspective categories.

Data Augmentation Diversity

Hybrid 2-stage Imperialist Competitive Algorithm with Ant Colony Optimization for Solving Multi-Depot Vehicle Routing Problem

no code implementations7 Apr 2020 Ivars Dzalbs, Tatiana Kalganova

The Multi-Depot Vehicle Routing Problem (MDVRP) is a real-world model of the simplistic Vehicle Routing Problem (VRP) that considers how to satisfy multiple customer demands from numerous depots.

Imperialist Competitive Algorithm with Independence and Constrained Assimilation for Solving 0-1 Multidimensional Knapsack Problem

no code implementations14 Mar 2020 Ivars Dzalbs, Tatiana Kalganova, Ian Dear

The multidimensional knapsack problem is a well-known constrained optimization problem with many real-world engineering applications.


Dynamic Impact for Ant Colony Optimization algorithm

no code implementations10 Feb 2020 Jonas Skackauskas, Tatiana Kalganova, Ian Dear, Mani Janakram

This paper proposes an extension method for Ant Colony Optimization (ACO) algorithm called Dynamic Impact.

No Routing Needed Between Capsules

1 code implementation24 Jan 2020 Adam Byerly, Tatiana Kalganova, Ian Dear

Most capsule network designs rely on traditional matrix multiplication between capsule layers and computationally expensive routing mechanisms to deal with the capsule dimensional entanglement that the matrix multiplication introduces.

Image Classification

Accelerating supply chains with Ant Colony Optimization across range of hardware solutions

no code implementations22 Jan 2020 Ivars Dzalbs, Tatiana Kalganova

This paper looks at real-life outbound supply chain problem using Ant Colony Optimization (ACO) and its scaling dynamics with two parallel ACO architectures - Independent Ant Colonies (IAC) and Parallel Ants (PA).

Homogeneous Vector Capsules Enable Adaptive Gradient Descent in Convolutional Neural Networks

1 code implementation20 Jun 2019 Adam Byerly, Tatiana Kalganova

Capsules, on the other hand, produce a vector of values, which Hinton argues correspond to a single, composite feature wherein the values of the components of the vectors indicate properties of the feature such as transformation or contrast.

Classification General Classification

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