no code implementations • EMNLP (FEVER) 2021 • Laura Mascarell, Tatyana Ruzsics, Christian Schneebeli, Philippe Schlattner, Luca Campanella, Severin Klingler, Cristina Kadar
Second, we leverage the dataset to tackle the supervised task of classifying the stance of a news article with regards to a debate question and provide baseline models as a reference for future work on stance detection in German news articles.
1 code implementation • EACL 2021 • Tatyana Ruzsics, Olga Sozinova, Ximena Gutierrez-Vasques, Tanja Samardzic
We apply our methodology to analyze the model{'}s decisions on three typologically-different languages and find that a) our pattern extraction method applied to cross-attention weights uncovers variation in form of inflection morphemes, b) pattern extraction from self-attention shows triggers for such variation, c) both types of patterns are closely aligned with grammar inflection classes and class assignment criteria, for all three languages.
no code implementations • 27 Mar 2019 • Tatyana Ruzsics, Tanja Samardžić
We show that our solution consistently improves on the current methods in all three steps.
2 code implementations • COLING 2018 • Massimo Lusetti, Tatyana Ruzsics, Anne G{\"o}hring, Tanja Samard{\v{z}}i{\'c}, Elisabeth Stark
Text normalization has been addressed with a variety of methods, most successfully with character-level statistical machine translation (CSMT).
no code implementations • CONLL 2017 • Tatyana Ruzsics, Tanja Samard{\v{z}}i{\'c}
Learning internal word structure has recently been recognized as an important step in various multilingual processing tasks and in theoretical language comparison.
no code implementations • WS 2016 • Christian Bentz, Tatyana Ruzsics, Alex Koplenig, er, Tanja Samard{\v{z}}i{\'c}
Language complexity is an intriguing phenomenon argued to play an important role in both language learning and processing.