Search Results for author: Tatyana Ruzsics

Found 6 papers, 2 papers with code

Stance Detection in German News Articles

no code implementations EMNLP (FEVER) 2021 Laura Mascarell, Tatyana Ruzsics, Christian Schneebeli, Philippe Schlattner, Luca Campanella, Severin Klingler, Cristina Kadar

Second, we leverage the dataset to tackle the supervised task of classifying the stance of a news article with regards to a debate question and provide baseline models as a reference for future work on stance detection in German news articles.

Fake News Detection Stance Detection

Interpretability for Morphological Inflection: from Character-level Predictions to Subword-level Rules

1 code implementation EACL 2021 Tatyana Ruzsics, Olga Sozinova, Ximena Gutierrez-Vasques, Tanja Samardzic

We apply our methodology to analyze the model{'}s decisions on three typologically-different languages and find that a) our pattern extraction method applied to cross-attention weights uncovers variation in form of inflection morphemes, b) pattern extraction from self-attention shows triggers for such variation, c) both types of patterns are closely aligned with grammar inflection classes and class assignment criteria, for all three languages.

Decoder Morphological Inflection

Encoder-Decoder Methods for Text Normalization

2 code implementations COLING 2018 Massimo Lusetti, Tatyana Ruzsics, Anne G{\"o}hring, Tanja Samard{\v{z}}i{\'c}, Elisabeth Stark

Text normalization has been addressed with a variety of methods, most successfully with character-level statistical machine translation (CSMT).

Decoder Machine Translation +1

Neural Sequence-to-sequence Learning of Internal Word Structure

no code implementations CONLL 2017 Tatyana Ruzsics, Tanja Samard{\v{z}}i{\'c}

Learning internal word structure has recently been recognized as an important step in various multilingual processing tasks and in theoretical language comparison.

Decoder Language Modeling +3

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