Search Results for author: Taylor Pospisil

Found 6 papers, 5 papers with code

Conditional Density Estimation Tools in Python and R with Applications to Photometric Redshifts and Likelihood-Free Cosmological Inference

5 code implementations30 Aug 2019 Niccolò Dalmasso, Taylor Pospisil, Ann B. Lee, Rafael Izbicki, Peter E. Freeman, Alex I. Malz

We provide sample code in $\texttt{Python}$ and $\texttt{R}$ as well as examples of applications to photometric redshift estimation and likelihood-free cosmological inference via CDE.

Astronomy Density Estimation +2

(f)RFCDE: Random Forests for Conditional Density Estimation and Functional Data

2 code implementations17 Jun 2019 Taylor Pospisil, Ann B. Lee

Furthermore, in settings with heteroskedasticity or multimodality, a regression point estimate with standard errors do not fully capture the uncertainty in our predictions.

Computation Methodology

Validation of Approximate Likelihood and Emulator Models for Computationally Intensive Simulations

1 code implementation27 May 2019 Niccolò Dalmasso, Ann B. Lee, Rafael Izbicki, Taylor Pospisil, Ilmun Kim, Chieh-An Lin

At the heart of our approach is a two-sample test that quantifies the quality of the fit at fixed parameter values, and a global test that assesses goodness-of-fit across simulation parameters.

Augmenting Adjusted Plus-Minus in Soccer with FIFA Ratings

no code implementations18 Oct 2018 Francesca Matano, Lee F. Richardson, Taylor Pospisil, Collin Eubanks, Jining Qin

In soccer, perhaps the most comprehensive player value statistics come from video games, and in particular FIFA.


ABC-CDE: Towards Approximate Bayesian Computation with Complex High-Dimensional Data and Limited Simulations

1 code implementation14 May 2018 Rafael Izbicki, Ann B. Lee, Taylor Pospisil

Approximate Bayesian Computation (ABC) is typically used when the likelihood is either unavailable or intractable but where data can be simulated under different parameter settings using a forward model.

Density Estimation

RFCDE: Random Forests for Conditional Density Estimation

2 code implementations16 Apr 2018 Taylor Pospisil, Ann B. Lee

Random forests is a common non-parametric regression technique which performs well for mixed-type data and irrelevant covariates, while being robust to monotonic variable transformations.

Density Estimation General Classification +1

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