Search Results for author: Tengpeng Li

Found 5 papers, 2 papers with code

Generative Planning with 3D-vision Language Pre-training for End-to-End Autonomous Driving

no code implementations15 Jan 2025 Tengpeng Li, Hanli Wang, Xianfei Li, Wenlong Liao, Tao He, Pai Peng

To solve these issues, a generative planning with 3D-vision language pre-training model named GPVL is proposed for end-to-end autonomous driving.

Autonomous Driving Trajectory Planning

Taking an Emotional Look at Video Paragraph Captioning

no code implementations12 Mar 2022 Qinyu Li, Tengpeng Li, Hanli Wang, Chang Wen Chen

In this work, a comprehensive study is conducted on video paragraph captioning, with the goal to generate paragraph-level descriptions for a given video.

Image Captioning

Knowledge-enriched Attention Network with Group-wise Semantic for Visual Storytelling

no code implementations10 Mar 2022 Tengpeng Li, Hanli Wang, Bin He, Chang Wen Chen

Third, a unified one-stage story generation model with encoder-decoder structure is proposed to simultaneously train and infer the knowledge-enriched attention network, group-wise semantic module and multi-modal story generation decoder in an end-to-end fashion.

Decoder Visual Storytelling

Re-thinking Co-Salient Object Detection

2 code implementations7 Jul 2020 Deng-Ping Fan, Tengpeng Li, Zheng Lin, Ge-Peng Ji, Dingwen Zhang, Ming-Ming Cheng, Huazhu Fu, Jianbing Shen

CoSOD is an emerging and rapidly growing extension of salient object detection (SOD), which aims to detect the co-occurring salient objects in a group of images.

Benchmarking Co-Salient Object Detection +3

Adaptive Graph Convolutional Network with Attention Graph Clustering for Co-saliency Detection

1 code implementation CVPR 2020 Kaihua Zhang, Tengpeng Li, Shiwen Shen, Bo Liu, Jin Chen, Qingshan Liu

Second, we develop an attention graph clustering algorithm to discriminate the common objects from all the salient foreground objects in an unsupervised fashion.

Clustering Co-Salient Object Detection +2

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