Search Results for author: Tess Forster

Found 2 papers, 0 papers with code

On the Effectiveness of Virtual Reality-based Training for Robotic Setup

no code implementations3 Mar 2020 Arian Mehrfard, Javad Fotouhi, Tess Forster, Giacomo Taylor, Danyal Fer, Deborah Nagle, Nassir Navab, Bernhard Fuerst

We trained 30 participants on how to set up a robotic arm in an environment mimicking clinical setup.


A Comparative Analysis of Virtual Reality Head-Mounted Display Systems

no code implementations5 Dec 2019 Arian Mehrfard, Javad Fotouhi, Giacomo Taylor, Tess Forster, Nassir Navab, Bernhard Fuerst

With recent advances of Virtual Reality (VR) technology, the deployment of such will dramatically increase in non-entertainment environments, such as professional education and training, manufacturing, service, or low frequency/high risk scenarios.

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