Search Results for author: Tess Smidt

Found 19 papers, 14 papers with code

A Cosmic-Scale Benchmark for Symmetry-Preserving Data Processing

1 code implementation27 Oct 2024 Julia Balla, Siddharth Mishra-Sharma, Carolina Cuesta-Lazaro, Tommi Jaakkola, Tess Smidt

Efficiently processing structured point cloud data while preserving multiscale information is a key challenge across domains, from graphics to atomistic modeling.

Relaxed Equivariant Graph Neural Networks

1 code implementation30 Jul 2024 Elyssa Hofgard, Rui Wang, Robin Walters, Tess Smidt

3D Euclidean symmetry equivariant neural networks have demonstrated notable success in modeling complex physical systems.

A Recipe for Charge Density Prediction

no code implementations29 May 2024 Xiang Fu, Andrew Rosen, Kyle Bystrom, Rui Wang, Albert Musaelian, Boris Kozinsky, Tess Smidt, Tommi Jaakkola

In density functional theory, charge density is the core attribute of atomic systems from which all chemical properties can be derived.


Generalizing Denoising to Non-Equilibrium Structures Improves Equivariant Force Fields

2 code implementations14 Mar 2024 Yi-Lun Liao, Tess Smidt, Muhammed Shuaibi, Abhishek Das

We study the effectiveness of training equivariant networks with DeNS on OC20, OC22 and MD17 datasets and demonstrate that DeNS can achieve new state-of-the-art results on OC20 and OC22 and significantly improve training efficiency on MD17.


Equivariant Symmetry Breaking Sets

1 code implementation5 Feb 2024 Yuqing Xie, Tess Smidt

Finally, we provide some examples of symmetry breaking to demonstrate how our approach works in practice.

Symphony: Symmetry-Equivariant Point-Centered Spherical Harmonics for 3D Molecule Generation

1 code implementation27 Nov 2023 Ameya Daigavane, Song Kim, Mario Geiger, Tess Smidt

We present Symphony, an $E(3)$-equivariant autoregressive generative model for 3D molecular geometries that iteratively builds a molecule from molecular fragments.

3D geometry 3D Molecule Generation

EquiformerV2: Improved Equivariant Transformer for Scaling to Higher-Degree Representations

2 code implementations21 Jun 2023 Yi-Lun Liao, Brandon Wood, Abhishek Das, Tess Smidt

Equivariant Transformers such as Equiformer have demonstrated the efficacy of applying Transformers to the domain of 3D atomistic systems.

Learning Integrable Dynamics with Action-Angle Networks

1 code implementation24 Nov 2022 Ameya Daigavane, Arthur Kosmala, Miles Cranmer, Tess Smidt, Shirley Ho

Here, we propose an alternative construction for learned physical simulators that are inspired by the concept of action-angle coordinates from classical mechanics for describing integrable systems.

Numerical Integration

e3nn: Euclidean Neural Networks

5 code implementations18 Jul 2022 Mario Geiger, Tess Smidt

We present e3nn, a generalized framework for creating E(3) equivariant trainable functions, also known as Euclidean neural networks.

Equiformer: Equivariant Graph Attention Transformer for 3D Atomistic Graphs

4 code implementations23 Jun 2022 Yi-Lun Liao, Tess Smidt

Despite their widespread success in various domains, Transformer networks have yet to perform well across datasets in the domain of 3D atomistic graphs such as molecules even when 3D-related inductive biases like translational invariance and rotational equivariance are considered.

Graph Attention Graph Neural Network +1

Sign and Basis Invariant Networks for Spectral Graph Representation Learning

2 code implementations25 Feb 2022 Derek Lim, Joshua Robinson, Lingxiao Zhao, Tess Smidt, Suvrit Sra, Haggai Maron, Stefanie Jegelka

We introduce SignNet and BasisNet -- new neural architectures that are invariant to two key symmetries displayed by eigenvectors: (i) sign flips, since if $v$ is an eigenvector then so is $-v$; and (ii) more general basis symmetries, which occur in higher dimensional eigenspaces with infinitely many choices of basis eigenvectors.

Graph Regression Graph Representation Learning

Generative Coarse-Graining of Molecular Conformations

1 code implementation28 Jan 2022 Wujie Wang, Minkai Xu, Chen Cai, Benjamin Kurt Miller, Tess Smidt, Yusu Wang, Jian Tang, Rafael Gómez-Bombarelli

Coarse-graining (CG) of molecular simulations simplifies the particle representation by grouping selected atoms into pseudo-beads and drastically accelerates simulation.

SE(3)-equivariant prediction of molecular wavefunctions and electronic densities

no code implementations NeurIPS 2021 Oliver T. Unke, Mihail Bogojeski, Michael Gastegger, Mario Geiger, Tess Smidt, Klaus-Robert Müller

Machine learning has enabled the prediction of quantum chemical properties with high accuracy and efficiency, allowing to bypass computationally costly ab initio calculations.

Transfer Learning

Graph Partitioning and Sparse Matrix Ordering using Reinforcement Learning and Graph Neural Networks

1 code implementation8 Apr 2021 Alice Gatti, Zhixiong Hu, Tess Smidt, Esmond G. Ng, Pieter Ghysels

The partitioning quality is compared with partitions obtained using METIS and SCOTCH, and the nested dissection ordering is evaluated in the sparse solver SuperLU.

graph partitioning reinforcement-learning +1

Tensor field networks: Rotation- and translation-equivariant neural networks for 3D point clouds

4 code implementations22 Feb 2018 Nathaniel Thomas, Tess Smidt, Steven Kearnes, Lusann Yang, Li Li, Kai Kohlhoff, Patrick Riley

We introduce tensor field neural networks, which are locally equivariant to 3D rotations, translations, and permutations of points at every layer.

Data Augmentation Translation

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