Search Results for author: Théophile Gervet

Found 3 papers, 2 papers with code

Autonomous Graph Mining Algorithm Search with Best Speed/Accuracy Trade-off

1 code implementation26 Nov 2020 Minji Yoon, Théophile Gervet, Bryan Hooi, Christos Faloutsos

We first define a unified framework UNIFIEDGM that integrates various message-passing based graph algorithms, ranging from conventional algorithms like PageRank to graph neural networks.

Bayesian Optimization Graph Mining +1

TarMAC: Targeted Multi-Agent Communication

no code implementations ICLR 2019 Abhishek Das, Théophile Gervet, Joshua Romoff, Dhruv Batra, Devi Parikh, Michael Rabbat, Joelle Pineau

We propose a targeted communication architecture for multi-agent reinforcement learning, where agents learn both what messages to send and whom to address them to while performing cooperative tasks in partially-observable environments.

Multi-agent Reinforcement Learning Reinforcement Learning

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