Search Results for author: Thibaut Horel

Found 5 papers, 0 papers with code

Optimal Bounds between f-Divergences and Integral Probability Metrics

no code implementations ICML 2020 Rohit Agrawal, Thibaut Horel

The families of f-divergences (e. g. the Kullback-Leibler divergence) and Integral Probability Metrics (e. g. total variation distance or maximum mean discrepancies) are commonly used in optimization and estimation.


Estimation of Models with Limited Data by Leveraging Shared Structure

no code implementations4 Oct 2023 Maryann Rui, Thibaut Horel, Munther Dahleh

Modern data sets, such as those in healthcare and e-commerce, are often derived from many individuals or systems but have insufficient data from each source alone to separately estimate individual, often high-dimensional, model parameters.

Time Series

Optimal Bounds between $f$-Divergences and Integral Probability Metrics

no code implementations10 Jun 2020 Rohit Agrawal, Thibaut Horel

The families of $f$-divergences (e. g. the Kullback-Leibler divergence) and Integral Probability Metrics (e. g. total variation distance or maximum mean discrepancies) are widely used to quantify the similarity between probability distributions.


The Proximal Robbins-Monro Method

no code implementations4 Oct 2015 Panos Toulis, Thibaut Horel, Edoardo M. Airoldi

Exact implementations of the proximal Robbins-Monro procedure are challenging, but we show that approximate implementations lead to procedures that are easy to implement, and still dominate classical procedures by achieving numerical stability, practically without tradeoffs.

Stochastic Optimization

Inferring Graphs from Cascades: A Sparse Recovery Framework

no code implementations21 May 2015 Jean Pouget-Abadie, Thibaut Horel

In the Network Inference problem, one seeks to recover the edges of an unknown graph from the observations of cascades propagating over this graph.

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