Search Results for author: Thierry Chateau

Found 7 papers, 0 papers with code

Toward industrial use of continual learning : new metrics proposal for class incremental learning

no code implementations10 Apr 2024 Konaté Mohamed Abbas, Anne-Françoise Yao, Thierry Chateau, Pierre Bouges

In this paper, we investigate continual learning performance metrics used in class incremental learning strategies for continual learning (CL) using some high performing methods.

class-incremental learning Class Incremental Learning +1

R-AGNO-RPN: A LIDAR-Camera Region Deep Network for Resolution-Agnostic Detection

no code implementations10 Dec 2020 Ruddy Théodose, Dieumet Denis, Thierry Chateau, Vincent Frémont, Paul Checchin

In this paper, R-AGNO-RPN, a region proposal network built on fusion of 3D point clouds and RGB images is proposed for 3D object detection regardless of point cloud resolution.

3D Object Detection Data Augmentation +4

Learning Sparse Filters in Deep Convolutional Neural Networks with a l1/l2 Pseudo-Norm

no code implementations20 Jul 2020 Anthony Berthelier, Yongzhe Yan, Thierry Chateau, Christophe Blanc, Stefan Duffner, Christophe Garcia

Moreover, the trade-off between the sparsity and the accuracy is compared to other loss regularization terms based on the l1 or l2 norm as well as the SSL, NISP and GAL methods and shows that our approach is outperforming them.

2D Wasserstein Loss for Robust Facial Landmark Detection

no code implementations24 Nov 2019 Yongzhe Yan, Stefan Duffner, Priyanka Phutane, Anthony Berthelier, Christophe Blanc, Christophe Garcia, Thierry Chateau

The recent performance of facial landmark detection has been significantly improved by using deep Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs), especially the Heatmap Regression Models (HRMs).

Facial Landmark Detection

SMC Faster R-CNN: Toward a scene-specialized multi-object detector

no code implementations30 Jun 2017 Ala Mhalla, Thierry Chateau, Houda Maamatou, Sami Gazzah, Najoua Essoukri Ben Amara

The suggested framework uses different strategies based on the SMC filter steps to approximate iteratively the target distribution as a set of samples in order to specialize the Faster R-CNN detector towards a target scene.

Transfer Learning

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