Search Results for author: Thierry Chonavel

Found 2 papers, 2 papers with code

A fast Multiplicative Updates algorithm for Non-negative Matrix Factorization

1 code implementation31 Mar 2023 Mai-Quyen Pham, Jérémy Cohen, Thierry Chonavel

Nonnegative Matrix Factorization is an important tool in unsupervised machine learning to decompose a data matrix into a product of parts that are often interpretable.

Large-Scale Characterization and Segmentation of Internet Path Delays with Infinite HMMs

1 code implementation28 Oct 2019 Maxime Mouchet, Sandrine Vaton, Thierry Chonavel, Emile Aben, Jasper den Hertog

In this article we introduce a new model, the HDP-HMM or infinite hidden Markov model, whose performance in trace segmentation is very close to human cognition.

Change Detection Management +2

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