Search Results for author: Thomas Baeck

Found 5 papers, 1 papers with code

CGP++ : A Modern C++ Implementation of Cartesian Genetic Programming

1 code implementation13 Jun 2024 Roman Kalkreuth, Thomas Baeck

The reference implementation of Cartesian Genetic Programming (CGP) was written in the C programming language.

Clustering-based Domain-Incremental Learning

no code implementations21 Sep 2023 Christiaan Lamers, Rene Vidal, Nabil Belbachir, Niki van Stein, Thomas Baeck, Paris Giampouras

A key challenge in this setting is the so-called "catastrophic forgetting problem", in which the performance of the learner in an "old task" decreases when subsequently trained on a "new task".

Clustering Continual Learning +2

The Vision of Self-Evolving Computing Systems

no code implementations14 Apr 2022 Danny Weyns, Thomas Baeck, Rene Vidal, Xin Yao, Ahmed Nabil Belbachir

We motivate the need for self-evolving computing systems in light of the state of the art, outline a conceptual architecture of self-evolving computing systems, and illustrate the architecture for a future smart city mobility system that needs to evolve continuously with changing conditions.

The Unreasonable Effectiveness of the Final Batch Normalization Layer

no code implementations18 Sep 2021 Veysel Kocaman, Ofer M. Shir, Thomas Baeck

Early-stage disease indications are rarely recorded in real-world domains, such as Agriculture and Healthcare, and yet, their accurate identification is critical in that point of time.

Image Classification imbalanced classification

Automatic Preference Based Multi-objective Evolutionary Algorithm on Vehicle Fleet Maintenance Scheduling Optimization

no code implementations23 Jan 2021 Yali Wang, Steffen Limmer, Markus Olhofer, Michael Emmerich, Thomas Baeck

A preference based multi-objective evolutionary algorithm is proposed for generating solutions in an automatically detected knee point region.

Diversity Scheduling

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