no code implementations • 12 Sep 2024 • Vinicius Zambaldi, David La, Alexander E. Chu, Harshnira Patani, Amy E. Danson, Tristan O. C. Kwan, Thomas Frerix, Rosalia G. Schneider, David Saxton, Ashok Thillaisundaram, Zachary Wu, Isabel Moraes, Oskar Lange, Eliseo Papa, Gabriella Stanton, Victor Martin, Sukhdeep Singh, Lai H. Wong, Russ Bates, Simon A. Kohl, Josh Abramson, Andrew W. Senior, Yilmaz Alguel, Mary Y. Wu, Irene M. Aspalter, Katie Bentley, David L. V. Bauer, Peter Cherepanov, Demis Hassabis, Pushmeet Kohli, Rob Fergus, Jue Wang
Computational design of protein-binding proteins is a fundamental capability with broad utility in biomedical research and biotechnology.
1 code implementation • 22 Feb 2021 • Thomas Frerix, Dmitrii Kochkov, Jamie A. Smith, Daniel Cremers, Michael P. Brenner, Stephan Hoyer
Variational data assimilation optimizes for an initial state of a dynamical system such that its evolution fits observational data.
1 code implementation • 5 Feb 2019 • Thomas Frerix, Matthias Nießner, Daniel Cremers
One way to achieve this task is by means of a projection step at test time after unconstrained training.
2 code implementations • ICCV 2017 • Philip Haeusser, Thomas Frerix, Alexander Mordvintsev, Daniel Cremers
Our training scheme follows the paradigm that in order to effectively derive class labels for the target domain, a network should produce statistically domain invariant embeddings, while minimizing the classification error on the labeled source domain.
Ranked #6 on Domain Adaptation on SYNSIG-to-GTSRB
1 code implementation • ICLR 2018 • Thomas Frerix, Thomas Möllenhoff, Michael Moeller, Daniel Cremers
Specifically, we show that backpropagation of a prediction error is equivalent to sequential gradient descent steps on a quadratic penalty energy, which comprises the network activations as variables of the optimization.