no code implementations • 7 Nov 2022 • Julius Martinetz, Thomas Martinetz
We study over-parameterized classifiers where Empirical Risk Minimization (ERM) for learning leads to zero training error.
no code implementations • 18 May 2022 • Christoph Linse, Thomas Martinetz
We show that very large Convolutional Neural Networks with millions of weights do learn with only a handful of training samples and without image augmentation, explicit regularization or pretraining.
no code implementations • 9 Nov 2020 • Hammam Alshazly, Christoph Linse, Erhardt Barth, Thomas Martinetz
This paper explores how well deep learning models trained on chest CT images can diagnose COVID-19 infected people in a fast and automated process.
no code implementations • 18 Aug 2020 • Philipp Grüning, Thomas Martinetz, Erhardt Barth
Such FP-blocks are inspired by models of end-stopped neurons, which are common in cortical areas V1 and especially in V2.
no code implementations • 25 Mar 2020 • Marius Jahrens, Thomas Martinetz
Raven's Progressive Matrices are a benchmark originally designed to test the cognitive abilities of humans.
no code implementations • 5 Nov 2018 • Marius Jahrens, Thomas Martinetz
Relational Networks (RN) as introduced by Santoro et al. (2017) have demonstrated strong relational reasoning capabilities with a rather shallow architecture.
no code implementations • 6 Oct 2017 • Lars Hertel, Erhardt Barth, Thomas Käster, Thomas Martinetz
Deep convolutional neural networks, trained on large datasets, achieve convincing results and are currently the state-of-the-art approach for this task.
Ranked #30 on Image Classification on MNIST
2 code implementations • 2 Jun 2016 • Boris Knyazev, Erhardt Barth, Thomas Martinetz
In visual recognition tasks, such as image classification, unsupervised learning exploits cheap unlabeled data and can help to solve these tasks more efficiently.
no code implementations • 23 Jun 2014 • Bogdan Miclut, Thomas Kaester, Thomas Martinetz, Erhardt Barth
Deep convolutional neural networks are known to give good results on image classification tasks.
Ranked #98 on Image Classification on STL-10