no code implementations • 14 Apr 2023 • Jingyu Gong, Yi Nie, Jonas van Ouwerkerk, Felix Wege, Mauricio Celi Cortés, Christoph von Oy, Jonas Brucksch, Christian Bußar, Thomas Schreiber, Dirk Uwe Sauer, Dirk Müller, Antonello Monti
To overcome these limitations a software framework called FOCUS for the flexible and dynamic modeling of any urban sector-coupled energy system is developed.
no code implementations • 29 Jan 2021 • Franz Beier, Friedrich Moeller, Bettina Sattler, Johannes Nold, Andreas Liem, Christian Hupel, Stefan Kuhn, Sigrun Hein, Nicoletta Haarlammert, Thomas Schreiber, Ramona Eberhardt, Andreas Tuennermann
In this contribution we investigate the transversal mode instability behavior of an ytterbium doped commercial 20/400 fiber and obtain 2. 9 kW of output power after optimizing the influencing parameters.
no code implementations • 29 Jan 2021 • Till Walbaum, Matthias Heinzig, Thomas Schreiber, Ramona Eberhardt, Andreas Tünnermann
We report on a monolithic thulium fiber laser with 567 W output power at 1970 nm, which is the highest power reported so far directly from a thulium oscillator.
no code implementations • 29 Jan 2021 • Franz Beier, Marco Plötner, Bettina Sattler, Fabian Stutzki, Till Walbaum, Andreas Liem, Nicoletta Haarlammert, Thomas Schreiber, Ramona Eberhardt, Andreas Tünnermann
We report on detailed in-situ distributed temperature measurements inside a high power fiber amplifier.