Search Results for author: Thomas Shrimpton

Found 3 papers, 1 papers with code

Leveraging Generative Models for Covert Messaging: Challenges and Tradeoffs for "Dead-Drop" Deployments

no code implementations13 Oct 2021 Luke A. Bauer, James K. Howes IV, Sam A. Markelon, Vincent Bindschaedler, Thomas Shrimpton

State of the art generative models of human-produced content are the focus of many recent papers that explore their use for steganographic communication.

A Hybrid Approach to Secure Function Evaluation Using SGX

1 code implementation3 May 2019 Joseph I. Choi, Dave 'Jing' Tian, Grant Hernandez, Christopher Patton, Benjamin Mood, Thomas Shrimpton, Kevin R. B. Butler, Patrick Traynor

We describe SGX-enabled SFE protocols (modeling the enclave as an oracle), and formalize the strongest-possible notion of 2P-SFE for our setting.

Cryptography and Security

Network Traffic Obfuscation and Automated Internet Censorship

no code implementations13 May 2016 Lucas Dixon, Thomas Ristenpart, Thomas Shrimpton

In this survey, we give an overview of network traffic obfuscation and its role in circumventing Internet censorship.

Networking and Internet Architecture Cryptography and Security C.2

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