Search Results for author: Tianqi Wang

Found 19 papers, 2 papers with code

KAN based Autoencoders for Factor Models

no code implementations4 Aug 2024 Tianqi Wang, Shubham Singh

Inspired by recent advances in Kolmogorov-Arnold Networks (KANs), we introduce a novel approach to latent factor conditional asset pricing models.

Kolmogorov-Arnold Networks Management

Harnessing Neural Unit Dynamics for Effective and Scalable Class-Incremental Learning

no code implementations4 Jun 2024 Depeng Li, Tianqi Wang, Junwei Chen, Wei Dai, Zhigang Zeng

To gain insights into the neural unit dynamics, we theoretically analyze the model's convergence property via a universal approximation theorem on learning sequential mappings, which is under-explored in the CIL community.

class-incremental learning Class Incremental Learning +1

DriveCoT: Integrating Chain-of-Thought Reasoning with End-to-End Driving

no code implementations25 Mar 2024 Tianqi Wang, Enze Xie, Ruihang Chu, Zhenguo Li, Ping Luo

We utilize the challenging driving scenarios from the CARLA leaderboard 2. 0, which involve high-speed driving and lane-changing, and propose a rule-based expert policy to control the vehicle and generate ground truth labels for its reasoning process across different driving aspects and the final decisions.

CARLA Leaderboard 2.0

AccidentGPT: Accident Analysis and Prevention from V2X Environmental Perception with Multi-modal Large Model

no code implementations20 Dec 2023 Lening Wang, Yilong Ren, Han Jiang, Pinlong Cai, Daocheng Fu, Tianqi Wang, Zhiyong Cui, Haiyang Yu, Xuesong Wang, Hanchu Zhou, Helai Huang, Yinhai Wang

For human-driven vehicles, we offer proactive long-range safety warnings and blind-spot alerts while also providing safety driving recommendations and behavioral norms through human-machine dialogue and interaction.

Autonomous Driving Scene Understanding

Multi-View Class Incremental Learning

no code implementations16 Jun 2023 Depeng Li, Tianqi Wang, Junwei Chen, Kenji Kawaguchi, Cheng Lian, Zhigang Zeng

Multi-view learning (MVL) has gained great success in integrating information from multiple perspectives of a dataset to improve downstream task performance.

class-incremental learning Class Incremental Learning +4

DeepAccident: A Motion and Accident Prediction Benchmark for V2X Autonomous Driving

no code implementations3 Apr 2023 Tianqi Wang, Sukmin Kim, Wenxuan Ji, Enze Xie, Chongjian Ge, Junsong Chen, Zhenguo Li, Ping Luo

In addition, we propose a new task, end-to-end motion and accident prediction, which can be used to directly evaluate the accident prediction ability for different autonomous driving algorithms.

3D Object Detection Autonomous Driving +1

Fast-BEV: Towards Real-time On-vehicle Bird's-Eye View Perception

1 code implementation19 Jan 2023 Bin Huang, Yangguang Li, Enze Xie, Feng Liang, Luya Wang, Mingzhu Shen, Fenggang Liu, Tianqi Wang, Ping Luo, Jing Shao

Recently, the pure camera-based Bird's-Eye-View (BEV) perception removes expensive Lidar sensors, making it a feasible solution for economical autonomous driving.

Autonomous Driving Data Augmentation

Scale-Equivalent Distillation for Semi-Supervised Object Detection

no code implementations CVPR 2022 Qiushan Guo, Yao Mu, Jianyu Chen, Tianqi Wang, Yizhou Yu, Ping Luo

Further, we overcome these challenges by introducing a novel approach, Scale-Equivalent Distillation (SED), which is a simple yet effective end-to-end knowledge distillation framework robust to large object size variance and class imbalance.

Knowledge Distillation Object +3

Clutter Edges Detection Algorithms for Structured Clutter Covariance Matrices

no code implementations3 Feb 2022 Tianqi Wang, Da Xu, Chengpeng Hao, Pia Addabbo, Danilo Orlando

This letter deals with the problem of clutter edge detection and localization in training data.

Edge Detection

Robust Navigation for Racing Drones based on Imitation Learning and Modularization

no code implementations27 May 2021 Tianqi Wang, Dong Eui Chang

This paper presents a vision-based modularized drone racing navigation system that uses a customized convolutional neural network (CNN) for the perception module to produce high-level navigation commands and then leverages a state-of-the-art planner and controller to generate low-level control commands, thus exploiting the advantages of both data-based and model-based approaches.

Imitation Learning

BaPipe: Exploration of Balanced Pipeline Parallelism for DNN Training

no code implementations23 Dec 2020 Letian Zhao, Rui Xu, Tianqi Wang, Teng Tian, Xiaotian Wang, Wei Wu, Chio-in Ieong, Xi Jin

The size of deep neural networks (DNNs) grows rapidly as the complexity of the machine learning algorithm increases.

Inject Rubrics into Short Answer Grading System

no code implementations WS 2019 Tianqi Wang, Naoya Inoue, Hiroki Ouchi, Tomoya Mizumoto, Kentaro Inui

Most existing SAG systems predict scores based only on the answers, including the model used as base line in this paper, which gives the-state-of-the-art performance.

Improved Reinforcement Learning through Imitation Learning Pretraining Towards Image-based Autonomous Driving

no code implementations16 Jul 2019 Tianqi Wang, Dong Eui Chang

We present a training pipeline for the autonomous driving task given the current camera image and vehicle speed as the input to produce the throttle, brake, and steering control output.

Autonomous Driving Diversity +5

FPDeep: Scalable Acceleration of CNN Training on Deeply-Pipelined FPGA Clusters

no code implementations4 Jan 2019 Tong Geng, Tianqi Wang, Ang Li, Xi Jin, Martin Herbordt

Among the issues with this approach is that to make the distributed cluster work with high utilization, the workload distributed to each node must be large, which implies nontrivial growth in the SGD mini-batch size.

AI-Aided Online Adaptive OFDM Receiver: Design and Experimental Results

no code implementations17 Dec 2018 Peiwen Jiang, Tianqi Wang, Bin Han, Xuanxuan Gao, Jing Zhang, Chao-Kai Wen, Shi Jin, Geoffrey Ye Li

From the OTA test, the AI-aided OFDM receivers, especially the SwitchNet receiver, are robust to real environments and promising for future communication systems.

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