no code implementations • 6 Oct 2024 • Tianshu Kuai, Sina Honari, Igor Gilitschenski, Alex Levinshtein
The models trained on such synthetic degradations, however, cannot deal with inputs of unseen degradations.
1 code implementation • 14 Apr 2023 • Tianshu Kuai, Akash Karthikeyan, Yash Kant, Ashkan Mirzaei, Igor Gilitschenski
Animating an object in 3D often requires an articulated structure, e. g. a kinematic chain or skeleton of the manipulated object with proper skinning weights, to obtain smooth movements and surface deformations.
1 code implementation • CVPR 2023 • Anas Mahmoud, Jordan S. K. Hu, Tianshu Kuai, Ali Harakeh, Liam Paull, Steven L. Waslander
However, image-to point representation learning for autonomous driving datasets faces two main challenges: 1) the abundance of self-similarity, which results in the contrastive losses pushing away semantically similar point and image regions and thus disturbing the local semantic structure of the learned representations, and 2) severe class imbalance as pretraining gets dominated by over-represented classes.
1 code implementation • CVPR 2022 • Jordan S. K. Hu, Tianshu Kuai, Steven L. Waslander
LiDAR has become one of the primary 3D object detection sensors in autonomous driving.