Search Results for author: Tianxin Xie

Found 2 papers, 1 papers with code

Towards Controllable Speech Synthesis in the Era of Large Language Models: A Survey

1 code implementation9 Dec 2024 Tianxin Xie, Yan Rong, Pengfei Zhang, Li Liu

In this paper, we conduct a comprehensive survey of controllable TTS, covering approaches ranging from basic control techniques to methods utilizing natural language prompts, aiming to provide a clear understanding of the current state of research.

Speech Synthesis Survey +1

Pseudo Replay-based Class Continual Learning for Online New Category Anomaly Detection in Advanced Manufacturing

no code implementations5 Dec 2023 YuXuan Li, Tianxin Xie, Chenang Liu, Zhangyue Shi

The incorporation of advanced sensors and machine learning techniques has enabled modern manufacturing enterprises to perform data-driven classification-based anomaly detection based on the sensor data collected in manufacturing processes.

Anomaly Detection class-incremental learning +2

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