Search Results for author: Tianyu Wen

Found 3 papers, 1 papers with code

On Structural Expressive Power of Graph Transformers

no code implementations23 May 2023 Wenhao Zhu, Tianyu Wen, Guojie Song, Liang Wang, Bo Zheng

Graph Transformer has recently received wide attention in the research community with its outstanding performance, yet its structural expressive power has not been well analyzed.

Graph Neural Network

Hierarchical Transformer for Scalable Graph Learning

no code implementations4 May 2023 Wenhao Zhu, Tianyu Wen, Guojie Song, Xiaojun Ma, Liang Wang

Graph Transformer is gaining increasing attention in the field of machine learning and has demonstrated state-of-the-art performance on benchmarks for graph representation learning.

Graph Learning Graph Representation Learning

Equivalent Distance Geometry Error for Molecular Conformation Comparison

1 code implementation13 Nov 2021 Shuwen Yang, Tianyu Wen, Ziyao Li, Guojie Song

Straight-forward conformation generation models, which generate 3-D structures directly from input molecular graphs, play an important role in various molecular tasks with machine learning, such as 3D-QSAR and virtual screening in drug design.

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