Search Results for author: Tianyun Yang

Found 6 papers, 3 papers with code

Pruning for Robust Concept Erasing in Diffusion Models

no code implementations26 May 2024 Tianyun Yang, Juan Cao, Chang Xu

Experimental results show a significant enhancement in our model's ability to resist adversarial inputs, achieving nearly a 40% improvement in erasing the NSFW content and a 30% improvement in erasing artwork style.

Model Synthesis for Zero-Shot Model Attribution

1 code implementation29 Jul 2023 Tianyun Yang, Juan Cao, Danding Wang, Chang Xu

The design of the synthesis technique is motivated by observations on how the basic generative model's architecture building blocks and parameters influence fingerprint patterns, and it is validated through two designed metrics that examine synthetic models' fidelity and diversity.

Attribute model +1

Progressive Open Space Expansion for Open-Set Model Attribution

1 code implementation CVPR 2023 Tianyun Yang, Danding Wang, Fan Tang, Xinying Zhao, Juan Cao, Sheng Tang

In this study, we focus on a challenging task, namely Open-Set Model Attribution (OSMA), to simultaneously attribute images to known models and identify those from unknown ones.

Attribute Open Set Learning

Deepfake Network Architecture Attribution

1 code implementation28 Feb 2022 Tianyun Yang, Ziyao Huang, Juan Cao, Lei LI, Xirong Li

With the rapid progress of generation technology, it has become necessary to attribute the origin of fake images.

Attribute DeepFake Detection +3

Learning to Disentangle GAN Fingerprint for Fake Image Attribution

no code implementations16 Jun 2021 Tianyun Yang, Juan Cao, Qiang Sheng, Lei LI, Jiaqi Ji, Xirong Li, Sheng Tang

Adopting a multi-task framework, we propose a GAN Fingerprint Disentangling Network (GFD-Net) to simultaneously disentangle the fingerprint from GAN-generated images and produce a content-irrelevant representation for fake image attribution.

Fake Image Attribution Image Attribution +1

Exploiting Multi-domain Visual Information for Fake News Detection

no code implementations13 Aug 2019 Peng Qi, Juan Cao, Tianyun Yang, Junbo Guo, Jintao Li

In the real world, fake-news images may have significantly different characteristics from real-news images at both physical and semantic levels, which can be clearly reflected in the frequency and pixel domain, respectively.

Fake News Detection

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